These Hilarious Pictures Are Perfectly Timed

A Walking Masterpiece

It is masterpieces such as this one that inspire us to consider the significant differences between a distinguished artist and those guys who paint the walls in your house. This canvas of blue and yellow is surely a favorite of many. And, if a Modern Art Museum hosted a “dress like your favorite painting day,” this dude would definitely be a runner up.


As a track runner for Michigan, it suits him. Perhaps this Michigan State alum was pleasantly surprised to find his jacket matched a renowned work of art, or maybe he came prepared to match his favorite masterpiece. To the untrained eye, it looks like a hilarious wardrobe coincidence.

Gandalf Spotted on a City Bus

That sure looks like Gandalf. One can only imagine why the sagely wizard chose to commute by bus, but it’s definitely him. Or. . . It could be the actor who plays him, doing a little sightseeing by eco-friendly public transport. But wait! Is this some kind of joke? Two Gandalfs on one bus!?


It’s like seeing double—two rows back sits another sagely wizard in reading position. I wonder if anyone asked for an autograph? But which would they pick?

Hello Kitty

Cats and lions are both felines, it only stands to reason that they are equally cuddly and love to play. Right? Wrong. Man, what were you doing when the entire world was busy watching Tiger King on Netflix? That is a sure receipt for losing a limb!


It looks like this guy will not go anywhere near a common house cat, let alone a lion, anytime soon. Honestly, it’s what’s best for him and for any cat he stays away from.

Head Over Beer

As exciting as mass concerts may be, no one can deny that they have a substantial icky factor. All those people crammed together tend to have an aroma that is somewhat… upsetting to say the least. Also, people trying to push ahead to be as close as they can to the stage means you rarely get to see the artist properly yourself.


This girl here thought she could get past all the icky stuff and she knew exactly how she was going to do it. Sitting on the shoulders of her friend means that she doesn’t have to squeeze in with everyone else, and get the perfect vantage point. It was all so simple! Then came that beer-ridden paper cup and ruined everything. Next time, she will bring a helmet.

Begging for Mercy

What you are witnessing here, ladies and gentlemen, is a little fruit fly about to be executed. The crime — plotting to take over the world. The punishment — death by a fly swat.


The jury’s decision was unanimous. Let that be a warning for other flies with plans of world domination.

In Plain Sight

This would be an ingenious way to hide that perfect pair of flip-flops you’ve always wanted. They blend in nicely with this metal rack. Hidden in plain sight, no one will snag them.


Get in the car, go home, grab that two bucks sitting on the counter and those darling flip-flops with the polka dot bow will be yours! When you get back to buy them, they’ll be sitting on the rack completely undisturbed, hidden perfectly. Otherwise, at $1.99 they’d be flying off the rack.

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Saying we were never self-proclaimed adrenaline junkies would be an understatement. We would much rather stay indoors. Indoors is where solid ground is. Solid ground is good.


There once was a time we thought we could be persuaded into trying kayaking but those days are over. A single glance at the sheer horror on these women’s faces is all we need to decide we are never getting on a boat of any kind.

Who’s Riding Who Now?

Humans like to think of themselves as the most superior beings to have ever walked the earth. After all, they are the ones who invented wi-fi and Starbucks and scented candles. But it takes only one misbehaving animal to remind everyone who is the real beast here.

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We can only hope that the cowboy landed safely and that he and the horse were able to sort out their differences over a big bale of hay.

Don’t Touch My Milk!

A quick stroll through the internet will tell you that cats defy pretty much any kind of law. Both man-made laws (Don’t scratch the couch!) and laws of physics (fitting into places they aren’t supposed to).


This cat making an impossible leap into the puppy’s saucer only goes to show that cats have been defying those rules even before the internet was invented.

Hug Me!

Cats are so elegant and graceful. They are known to have been worshiped by the ancient Egyptians, and they are currently being worshiped by obsessed cat lovers and crazy cat ladies of the world.


But people forget that cats have an awkward side too. Just try to surprise a cat with some cucumbers and you’ll see. Or you could also look at this cross-eyed kitty failing to catch a bird and call it a day.

Oral Hygiene

This might come as a surprise to some of you, but lizards actually make wonderful dentists. This picture is the perfect example of one such lizard. The little guy in the picture goes to great lengths to make sure his cat patient is properly brushing his teeth.


If you too feel like booking yourself an appointment with a lizard dentist, simply go out to your front yard and look around for any vacant lizards. They will be happy to help.

Say Ahhh

This perfectly timed photo of the last few seconds in the life of that poor fish is as tragic as it is hysterical. We can almost hear what they were thinking about when the picture was snapped. The Pelican was thinking “Score!” and the fish was thinking “Oh man… Can someone tell my wife I won’t make it to dinner tonight?”


We know what you’re thinking — pelicans and fish don’t speak English! Well, don’t be so sure about that. For all we know, they speak English very well, they just don’t want us to know it.

Say Cheese

This picture tells us a great story. It is the story of a man, let’s call him DudeBro. DudeBro went on a much-needed vacation to a faraway island. One of his vacation goals was to make an unlikely friendship.


When most people decide to make a new friend, they go for a fellow human, but not DudeBoro. On his first day of vacation, he went diving and met a shark. Naturally, DudeBro asked if they could take a selfie together. The shark’s immediate reaction was to smile for the camera, and the two have been inseparable ever since.

How Do I Look?

The real story behind these pictures here is that of David Slater, a nature photographer. There was a two-year-long trial to determine if the pictures’ copyrights legally belonged to Slater or the monkey —a crested black macaque.

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After seeing the monkey’s picture in Slater’s book, PETA filed a lawsuit in the monkey’s name, claiming that he should have the legal owner of it. We can’t believe it took two whole years for the court to rule in favor of the human, but it did.

From Bronco to Bessie

We can guess what brought on this epic fall. It probably started with the horse finding out that the rider is called a cow boy. The horse’s next thought was “well if he likes cows so much he might as well go ride one of them”.


The rodeo obviously did not go as planned for this cowboy. Maybe next time he will consider changing his title to horseboy and save himself some trouble.

Snow Tiger

There are so many confusing things about this picture. First, what is this poor tiger doing in that snowy street? Next, What is that poor chicken doing in that snowy street? And finally, why is the car in a cage? Was it in need of discipline for some reason?


We’ll give the people behind this picture the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they were on their way to see a friend in their caged car, stumbled upon this lost tiger on the way, and thought they would feed them with the spare chicken they had in the back seat?

Mario Bros.

What if Mario and Luigi had a bakery and restaurant business instead of being the most popular Nintendo game ever. After a long, drawn-out sound effect of a balloon deflating, it would make sense that these two brothers would have next-door restaurants.


But it’s a lot more amusing to watch Mario and Luigi work side-by-side on gaming consoles. Rescuing Princess Peach from the villain is definitely much more meaningful work. Plus, the video game franchise is not only insanely more profitable but way more fun!

It’s the Cookie Monster Panel

Here are a couple of guys who met by random chance. Hitting the bar to wind down after a long day of work, they discovered an unlikely friendship. When these two coincidentally ended up sitting side-by-side at the local pub they didn’t plan their cookie monster wardrobe, but they ended up becoming a Cookie Monster tag team anyway.


C is for cookie and M is for monster, and these two hecklers at the end of the bar rowdy it up as a team with boisterous sports commentary directed at the TV. It’s not unusual to hear the duo shouting at referees hundreds of miles away or blasting players for flubs with angry epithets. While they’re there, they share some playful banter with the bartender no doubt.

“Killed by Nail Biting”

Out of all the ways people cope with stress, nail-biting seems like it would be one of the least harmful. It’s common for folks to head to the bar after work to release the day’s stress, others smoke to relieve tension, and, now that it’s becoming legal, cannabis is another stress release option. Compared with these substances, nail-biting would seem to be innocuous.


Although, fingernails serve as a haven for millions of germs. Painful cuticle mutilation is no fun either. But here, just as this stressed-out woman is biting her nails, a news headline screams: “Killed by Nail Biting.”

It Was Nice Knowing You

Many of you are probably reading this at work or at home when you have a second to breathe. It would be pretty safe to assume that you would rather be reading this on a beach somewhere. But we aren’t here to make you feel bad about not being somewhere sunny and sandy.


One look at those two girls will have you thanking for dry land hoping that they know how to hold their breath for a long time. See? Now being indoors doesn’t sound so bad, does it?

Morning Shower

This girl must have thought she would walk her dog, go to the beach, get some rest, and go back home. Honestly, that sounds like a great way to spend your afternoon. Nothing can mess up a nice walk like that. Well, except for your dor peeing on your face. That can be really annoying, but what are the odds of that happening?


Dogs use their pee to mark their territory. Could this have been the dog’s way of showing affection?

The Leaning Tower of Crates

People looking at this picture would probably be troubled by a number of things. First, the obvious tower of crates about to fall. Second, what’s in those crates anyway? And third, why is there only one guy running away?


We were actually more interested in knowing how the crate building got to be so tall in the first place? We guess that it got help from the people in the upstairs floor.


Cats will not be bullied into playing fetch like common mutts. Or at least, that’s what they will have you thinking. This cat is obviously keen on playing fetch as much as the pooch in the apartment next door, but he would never admit that in public.


It must be very upset with its owner for posting this picture online and shaming him for his un-catlike nature. It will most definitely use one of its nine lives to get revenge.

Catch Anything Good?

So, we thought about it, and there could be a few reasons as to why this person is fishing in the midst of a storm. One reason is that he is very brave. Another reason is that he is not very smart.

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The third reason is that he is Poseidon himself so he practically controls the sea. So yeah, it’s either one of those reasons or that he’s just super passionate about fishing.

Double Cannonball

Pool day is always a cause for a celebration. Judging by the lawn and tiki torches in the background, we tend to believe that every day in this area is pool day.


We are sure that the seemingly mortified dog in the picture enjoyed the water too.  

A Street Named Fell

With the sign from Fell Street dangling precipitously from its pole, it gives the ominous sense of a bad omen to the superstitious among us. It’s an unsettling, freaky coincidence. A sign fell! It said Fell! What could it mean?!


Since a street sign with the name “Fell” fell, it could be a sign that danger will befall someone randomly walking past this corner. To be perfectly sane, it’s probably just crazy, ironic fate that the Fell street sign fell. Unless it was caused by a supernatural spell it fell under or some other occult hex. Other than that, this image is just funny as (something that rhymes with fell).

Moon Rise

On some days the moon needs a little lift to rise on schedule in the evenings. Introducing the moon crane! The moon crane is the perfect solution. On the other hand, it could be a planetary catastrophe if the crane drops the ivory orb!


Luckily, the moon is kept in orbit by a mysterious force no one truly understands. Even Newton threw his hands up wondering if gravity comes from God.

Vampyr Services

Nothing to see here. Mosey on. Just a vampire stopping at the blood bank to make a withdrawal. What’s wrong? It’s really not that different from fast food take out.


The Red Cross saves lives. The vampire agrees. They’re not only saving the life of the vampire by feeding it, but they’re saving lives of its countless intended victims. After pangs of conscience plaguing it for years, this vampire is dealing with its guilt by purchasing pre-drained blood. Monsters have feelings too!

Taking a Risk

Little brothers can be so annoying sometimes. What we are looking at right here is obviously not a big-bro-little-bro situation (different birds, duh) but the sentiment is still there.


Honestly, the most interesting thing about this picture is probably what happened the second after it was taken. Did the eagle show the crow who’s the boss? Did the crow prove itself worthy to hang around large birds of prey? We want to know!

I’m Flying!

Ballerinas will tell you that this guy is probably trying to work on his jete. Bikers will probably tell you that this guy is working on a special stunt. Other people will tell you that this man is trying to get himself killed. So it’s all about perspective really.

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Until we see the picture taken 2 seconds after this one, we are going to assume that this guy simply learned how to fly.

The Smashing Book

One can only imagine the ways The Smashing Book might instruct on how to properly smash objects in need of smashing. Creepy-crawlies require swift and direct action. If The Smashing Book is not available within close vicinity, grab anything with a solid surface and crush it!


Another option is to capture the creepy-crawly intruder and show it the door. If you’re not squeamish or you’re are not plagued by bug invasion, the book’s also a good tool for creating smashing websites.

Making a Splash

Cannonball jumps — out, belly flops — in! Especially when the belly in question is this glorious. It doesn’t look like there are many people in the water, and maybe that’s a good thing because it looks like the water level in the pool is about to dramatically rise.

Getty Images Photo by Ezra Shaw

This may not be a standard wave pool but something tells us that after that jump it was wavy alright. Can you imagine the tsunami?

Tragic Mistake

Did the San Jose Mercury News make a tragic mistake? Did these two make a tragic mistake buying that house? Was getting married a tragic mistake? And why do they look so happy?


The real story is that when these two got married, on the day they tied the knot, the bride asked her brother to save the local newspaper for them. When he gave her the issue that was published on her wedding day, the leading headline read, “Tragic Mistake.” Just another hilarious coincidence.

Walking on Water

Sit back and let us tell you the tale of Dogster — the dog that walked on water. When Dogster was born, his parents knew he was special, but not in the everyone’s- special hipster kind of way. He has always had a special connection with seal puppies and other marine creatures.


As he grew older and his connection with the ocean grew deeper, Dogster became world-famous. He now has his own YouTube channel in which he teaches people and pups of all kinds how to embrace their inner mermaid.

The Art of Blending In

This guy left the pad for the day styling a modern baggy-style striped ensemble with ’80s dayglo orange shorts and an electric orange and white stripe tee. He topped it off with a sparkling white cap and he finished it with white sneakers. In any other setting, it is a flashy fashion statement. As it is, his digs are causing drivers to confuse him with a traffic cone.


It was such a funny coincidence that someone photographed this scene through the car windshield! At this intersection, he could pass for a construction worker. At the very least, he already has a construction-themed Halloween costume lined up.

Surprise Attack

Female wrestling can be misleading. The costumes and makeup can make you think you’re watching no more than a well-choreographed dance show. The truth is that they are all trained professionals and that you would rather have them as your bodyguards rather than your enemies.


The most troubling thing about this picture is not even the angry face on the woman in red. It’s how nonchalant the referee looks. We know that wrestling is a violent sport, but that move has to be at least somewhat illegal, right?

Les Misérables Meets The Shining

Just when you thought late 18th century France couldn’t get worse, “Here’s Johnny.” Destitution, starvation, endless suffering. And, now introducing, a deranged ax murderer who calls himself Johnny. This is exactly what happens when Hugo, Kubrick and King meet up.


Add Jack Nicholson to the act, and there’s no reason to believe the advertised “musical phenomenon” is not a perfect way to spend Christmas day.

Warning: Possible Flooding

Siofok, Hungary is the nation’s most popular place for summer holiday. Beautiful Lake Balaton offers long sandy beaches and plenty of sunshine.


There’s a medieval abbey on one end of the lake and a walkway of classy bars and exquisite restaurants on the other. But it’s a rainy place, so, if it’s flooding, you might want to try Budapest instead. In this coincidence of natural disaster proportion, it looks like the sea rose to meet this stylish surfer.

Plan Gone Wrong

Good thing those people are already wearing bathing suites, because they are about to get soaking wet. It looks like they were planning on getting wet in a lake or a pool or something, but the person in the car thought he would lend a helping hand right about… now.


We would go ahead and assume that the girls called the driver (and probably the driver’s mom too) a thousand names before trying to go on with their day.

Not so Sweet 16

Sweet 16th birthday. Being able to legally drive a car. Moving closer to being able to vote. Inching towards being able to legally drink. It doesn’t get any better than that. Well, actually, it does. There’s news, and politics, and student loans and having to earn your own money.


So basically, sweet 16 is our way of trying not to cry when thinking about the loss of our childhood. Anyway, happy birthday darling! I made you a cake… Oh lord…

Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

One of the things that never cease to amaze us is the human variety. How different people are in terms of face, culture, social conventions. Oh, and how resilient they are to cold weather.


This man looks like he is about to enter an epic snowball fight but it doesn’t look like he’s even half-dressed for the part. Sure, he has the beanie, but other than that it looks like he trusts his t-shirt to save him from impending pneumonia. Now go home and put on a sweater, young man!

A Striking Manscape

One could take in the beautiful landscapes of the South China Sea all day long. But who would think a man’s body might look like a reflection of an island mountain range? He looks just like a carbon copy of the landscape, like a mountain’s shadow. He’s a living, breathing manscape.


William Blake once said all the world can be seen inside of a tiny grain of sand. So, a man in a mountain, or a mountain in a man, it’s not too far off.

It’s Called Dodgeball for a Reason

There is nothing like s good game of dodgeball to separate the coordinated from the uncoordinated. The poor girl in the picture seems to belong in the second group, but that doesn’t mean she’s doomed.

Getty Images Photo by Kaija Straumanis

Once she gets her glasses fixed and learns to dodge balls properly, she might even make it into the school team. Or not.

Enzo Ferrari Reincarnated

In one life he’s Enzo Ferrari, the manufacturer of world-class Italian performance machines, and in the next life, he’s a professional superstar on the sports field. Some people have all the luck. Ferrari not only founded the venerable Ferrari company—his main occupation was racing cars! So, he goes from racing top quality cars around a track to being one of the best footballers in the world.

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The only drawback is that when he was reincarnated, he came back in Germany as Mesut Özil which meant he had to allow Mercedes-Benz to sponsor him.

Bird Watching

Avid bird watchers will read up about local birds and then try to locate and possibly photograph some rare or beautiful specimens. In this crazy coincidence, a bird is pictured checking out a book about birds, perhaps looking for a long lost relative, or something. It looks like the bird is reading the book, but that would be silly.


Meanwhile, this child can’t believe his luck. A real, live bird lands nears his hand on a book which can only offer pictures and words about birds. That’s some true detail.

Seeing Double

It’s like seeing double, twice. Twins on the left, twins on the right. And this set of twins is sitting right next to each other, by chance, inside a subway. Not only that, the twins’ faces show identical expressions! How could this be?


It seems like they even prefer to match hairstyles. But the twins on the right go so far as to wear the same glasses, plus identical clothing. Maybe they just got used to it as kids.

In Your Face

This baby obviously knows his priorities. First — eat your pasta. Second — finish your pasta. Third — dispose of your bowl. Fourth — make a gangster face at the camera.


The proud parent behind the camera must have had that picture blown up and framed. We would love to have a copy of that.

Force of Nature You know how animals in children’s books are always friends no matter what species they are? The way we see it, those books are only miseducating children about nature.
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Take Winnie the Pooh and Piglet for example. Where else would a bear be friends with a small pig? Well, we are here to set things straight, starting with this picture. Children, this is how nature works.

Matthew the Correspondent

Perhaps the BBC network misplaced the last name of their European correspondent from Brussels. Or maybe the newsman was born with that last name. Born into his destiny, he likely worked his whole life to live up to his last name!


Otherwise, it’s a very impersonal description, a title you’d expect displayed under an AI drone news reporter. (Drone news anchors, they’re coming! China already employs two AI news anchors.) As it stands, it’s a hilarious fumble by the BBC.

El Helado

An enterprising junior high school teacher wanted to find a way to encourage her students to remember Spanish vocabulary words. So she attached images of food to the back of chairs to help her students learn the words. It was a great idea. But middle schoolers will be middle schoolers. And, you have to admit, it was hilarious when this boy wore a Kiss shirt to school and sat next to the picture of ice cream.


With Gene Simmons’ tongue stretching several inches in length, doesn’t it make sense for him to take a little lick of el helado?

Tackling Done Right

The coach was very specific — under no circumstances can the ball move to the rival’s side of the court. This player was only following orders for all we know.


What we would really like to know, however, is what the referee thought about this over-the-top move.

Omen? Who Said Anything About Omens?

There are so many things that could go wrong at a wedding. The bride could not show up, the groom could be having cold feet, someone other than the bride could show up wearing a white dress, and we could go on forever but we have more things to do.


Obviously, the cake making friends with the floor isn’t great, but better the floor than the dress.

A Rainbow at the End of the Rainbow

Every year around the 17th of March we learn a little more about Leprechaun lore. That’s because it’s St. Patrick’s Day, the day we celebrate the luck of the Irish. Obviously, it’s the little green elves’ special day. They know all about luck and why rainbows are a sign of good fortune. According to Leprechaun lore, there will be a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.


Of course they’re mischievous little fairies that can’t be trusted. But, in this picture, we can see clear proof of the truth of rainbow lore. The rainbow ends exactly at a store called Rainbow! What luck. The store must be making a fortune, for someone.

Batting a Home Run

It looks like watching baseball might be more dangerous than we thought. One minute you’re sitting on the bleachers, cheering for your favorite player, eating something greasy that shouldn’t be fed to humans, and the next one you have a bat in your face.


Having a baseball bat launched at your face can’t feel great, but becoming internet famous thanks to the incident must soften the blow a little bit.

The Palm Tree Look

Is it “life imitates art” or “art imitates life”? Regardless, this hairstyle is obviously a work of art. It’s an intricate act of self-expression which likely commands half a day to properly style into the perfect likeness of a palm tree. These days it’s not easy showing individuality.


How to look different amongst so many colorful styles? This person has undoubtedly figured it out. Half a can of hairspray, and, voila. You could look like a palm tree too.

UN Peacekeeper Clarifies Mission

The placement in this image is clearly no coincidence. It’s funny, in a darkly ironic way. It’s true, the United Nations was definitely involved in peace when it was founded in 1945 as a global peacekeeping agency. However, in a post-9/11 world, it seems “UNINVOLVED IN PEACE” is just a tad more accurate. At least that is what this U.N. Peacekeeper seems to be saying.


Pictured standing next to a bullet-pocked U.N. mission-statement sign in a war-torn area, his matching blue helmet sets the message straight. He’s a soldier sent on a mission, and it’s not for peace.

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