The Most Popular Pizza Toppings Around the World
We’re not sure what your favorite food is but pizza is a close top for us, that’s why we just had to feature the most popular pizza toppings around the world. Learn more about the selections others opt for on their pizza whenever they eat pizza in their local region of the world today with the information below.
What are the top 5 most popular pizza toppings?
The top 5 most popular pizza toppings are; pepperoni, mushrooms, extra cheese, sausage, and onions. While these are not toppings that are generally ordered together, they are the top five most ordered pizza toppings worldwide.
Coconut Pizza
In Costa Rica you may find coconut pizza! This is a pizza topped with coconut rather than the pineapple you may see in other regions.
Kangaroo Pizza
Australians enjoy something called kangaroo pizza. Of course they do! This pizza has kangaroo meat on it, but don’t get too excited … kangaroo meat is rather tough and gamey. Sadly, kangaroo meat is in high supply but isn’t something many people request so they try to put it on pizza to get it eaten up.
Pizza Mockba
Over in Russia they enjoy something called pizza mockba. This pizza has sardines, tuna or similar fish on it along with onions and some herbs. You can enjoy this while you’re visiting Russia, if you want. We may pass on this, as we’re not fans of sardines on pizza.
Mayo Jaga
Apparently the people in Japan are obsessed with mayo. We’re not kidding! So while you’re in Japan checking out some food in the area, you may run into the option of mayo Jaga pizza. This pizza features hot may and potatoes.
Banana Curry
When you’re visiting Sweden you can enjoy some banana curry for your pizza flavor in this region of the world. This is sprinkled with peanuts, too! This pizza topping is an odd flavor but you get used to it, eventually.
What is the most popular pizza topping worldwide?
Lastly, the most popular pizza topping worldwide is pepperoni. According to some research over 36% of people enjoy pepperoni on their pizza over any other topping out there.
We hope that you enjoyed this list of the most popular pizza toppings around the world! You can use this information as some random trivia challenge with your friends and family one night.
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