Modern-Day Beasts That Actually Exist

Once upon a time, animals were absolutely enormous. As humans and other predators began to roam the earth, animals began to decrease from their once colossal sizes. Many of these animals like dinosaurs,  mammoths, and saber-tooth tigers have since perished, but there are, however, some anomalies that are still around. These modern beasts might be strange mutations from larger mammals belonging to a different time. One cannot explain it, but they are with us today nonetheless. Take a look at these modern-day monsters.

Owner Claims That 3,682 Pound Bull Is “All Muscle”

Meet Field Marshall, a mega bull from England. In 2009, the 6’5 beast weighed in at a whopping 3,682 pounds. This was particularly noteworthy, as the previous year, he weighed 300 pounds less. His previous 80-year-old owner, Arthur Duckett, shared with the media: “He’s in very good health and there’s no reason why he won’t keep on growing.” Adding that “he’s not fat – he’s all muscle.”


Arthur has since passed away and Farmer Gary Bowden now looks after him. His three-year-old daughter, Sophie, shares a special bond with the bull. She feeds Field Marshall with cattle cake and bales of hay.

The Giant Percheron Stallion Named Moose

Meet the gigantic horse named Windermere’s North American Maid (a.k.a. Moose). He’s not your average horse. He’s a draft horse and a Percheron supreme world champion. According to his owners at Windermere Farms, he’s won many championships throughout the United States and Canada.


They shared, “We started calling North American Maid ‘Moose’ because he was always such a big colt. Now he stands 19 hands and moves with incredible action.” They also used him in their breeding program: “We feel Moose is the complete package in a Percheron stallion; one where you can acquire the size to be competitive in the show ring without sacrificing style.”

From Runt To 245 Pounds

Giant George received the title as the world’s tallest living dog by Guinness World Records as well as the tallest dog to ever exist. The Great Dane measured in at 3 feet, 7 inches from his paw to his shoulder and nearly seven feet long. His weight was recorded at 245 pounds — about 100 pounds larger than the average Great Dane. His owners, Dave and Christie Nasser, shared that he was the runt of the litter.


He loved riding around his family’s neighborhood in a golf cart. He appeared on the Oprah show in 2010. While traveling there, he was given a row of three airline seats to himself. He died in 2013, just before his eighth birthday.

Chilli The Giant Cow Weighs 2,750 Pounds

Jenny Wheadon of Ferne Animal Sanctuary in Somerset, England, takes care of Chilli the big cow, who stands tall and proud at his height of 6 feet 6 inches. In 2008, Wheadon shared in an interview with Today “He’s fed exactly the same as the other cattle — just fresh Somerset grass and good air.” Chilli is 1 and a half feet taller than a regular-sized cow and estimated to weigh a whopping 2,750 pounds.


He was found abandoned at the sanctuary one morning along with four other cows who were all normal-sized. Jenny added: “He just grew and continued to grow and grow.”

Largest Land Carnivore

The Kodiak bear lives on the Kodiak Islands in Southwest Alaska. They share similar measurements with the Polar bear and together they hold the title of the largest land carnivore. Unlike the Polar bear who eats almost exclusively meat, the Kodiak bear has a diverse diet which fluctuates with the seasons and availability of resources. During the spring they consume fresh vegetation along with the carcasses of animals that died during the winter. During the summer, they continue eating vegetation and berries and start fishing salmon.


Some other foods that they may eat year-round are seaweed, deer, and unfortunately, garbage left behind by humans. The majority of adult bears die from natural causes, but, more than 90% of adult male Kodiak bears are shot by hunters.

The Largest Animal That Ever Lived

You can’t have a list of huge creatures without mentioning the largest animal in the world and the biggest creature to ever have existed. The Blue whale is an absolute beast. Long and slender, it can reach a length of up to 98 feet and weigh up to 190 tons. Before whaling, the largest population was in the Antarctic where they numbered an average of 239,000.


Now, there remain somewhere between 10,000 to 25,000 of these majestic creatures in the world. They feast mostly on krill and can eat up to 40 million krill in a day. Their heart alone weighs around 400 pounds, the largest of any known animal.

Giants Of The Amazon

The Green Anaconda is the biggest snake in the world. It is also the biggest reptile. They can weigh up to 550 pounds and reach a size of up to 30 feet in length. While lengthwise, it isn’t the biggest, its weight makes up for that and thus is regarded as the biggest snake.

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They can be found in remote regions in central parts of South America and usually live in places close to the water in the Amazon rainforest. Unlike humans and many other animals, they continue to grow throughout their entire lives. They are predominantly nocturnal creatures and consume capybaras, deer, tapirs, caimans, and sometimes even jaguars.

The Maine Coon Cat

The state cat of Maine is also one of the largest and oldest domestic breeds in North America. The Maine Coon is the largest domesticated cat breed in the world with valuable hunting skills. Male Maine Coons can reach a height of anywhere between 10 and 16 inches and on average weigh 13 to 18 pounds, with females measuring just slightly smaller. The record for the longest domestic cat in the Guinness Book of World Records belongs to a Maine Coon named Stewie. Stewie is exceptionally long, measuring 48.5 inches from nose to tail.

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Despite having such an imposing profile, Maine Coons are known for being gentle, intelligent, and quite playful creatures, hence their nickname as “the gentle giant.” They also have above-average intelligence.

Largest Amphibian Species

The Chinese giant salamander is the largest amphibian in the world. It is native to the mountain streams and lakes of China. An adult salamander on average can weigh anywhere from 55 to 66 pounds and measure about 3.77 feet across. The heaviest salamander to ever be recorded weighed a whopping 110 pounds and measured 5.9 feet across. Salamanders have a diverse taste and like to feast on insects, worms, other amphibians, shrimps, crabs, fish, and water shrew.


Currently, these amphibians are regarded as critically endangered and its species is in continual decline thanks to human interactions. If you ever find yourself in the mountain streams or lakes of China and you hear what sounds like a crying child, this could actually be a Chinese giant salamander as their vocalization is said to resemble that sound.

The Red Kangaroo Is Basically A Body Builder

You wouldn’t want to mess with a red kangaroo even if you’ve been having major gains at the gym. These kangaroos are more muscular than even the daily gym rats. Despite looking bigger than the hulk, these animals are also very aggressive. Male red kangaroos can reach a height of up to 5.9 feet tall. The largest kangaroo ever documented measured in at seven feet and 201 lbs. In 2015, Roger the kangaroo went viral on the internet. This giant red kangaroo weighed almost 200 lbs and could crush metal with his bare hands.


At 10 years old, Roger will most likely outgrow and outweigh the heaviest red kangaroo on record. For now, at 200 lbs, he’s not doing so shabbily and we definitely wouldn’t want to get on his bad side. Red kangaroos are found across western and central Australia. They usually live in groups of 2-4 members but may congregate at times in numbers as much as 1,500 individuals.

Holy Ham! This Chinese Pig Weighed 1,984 Pounds

These pigs usually weigh around 100 to 240 pounds. This pig here weighed over 10 times that amount! This huge pig comes from China, as you can see from the red ribbon wrapped around him. He was much bigger than the average Chinese pig and weighed a whopping 1,984 pounds.


His life was short and he died at the age of five. Despite his short time, he receiving top-notch treatment and lived in a nice pigsty. He also was fed the best meals. The Liaoning Provincial Agricultural Museum was so proud of the animal that they convinced the Guinness Book of Records to list him as the biggest pig that ever existed. Next up: a normal-sized backyard animal that sees eye-to-eye with the family dog!

Gary the Capybara

Gary The Capybara can’t fit on your desk in a little cage. He’s much too large for that. Quite similar in size to a midsize dog, he’s the world’s largest pet rodent. He lives with owners Melanie Typaldos and Richard Loveman. The pair met Gary while on a trip to Venezuela and fell in love with him, eventually bringing him back to their home in Texas.


Gary loves spending his days swimming in his owners’ swimming pool of which they share about him that he’s a fast learner. According to Ms. Typaldos, Gary knows how to turn in circles, stand up, jump, and shake hands when told to do so. Gary loves sleeping right next to his owners in the family bed.

More About Supersized Spiders

If measuring by leg span, then the Giant Huntsman spider is the world’s largest. While it isn’t as bulky as the Goliath spider, its legs can measure up to one foot in length. The giant Huntsman spider is indigenous to Laos and is thought to be a cave dweller.


Huntsman spiders don’t build webs like other spiders, instead, they choose to hunt. While they are venomous, they are not thought to be a big threat to humans. People have even taken huntsman spiders in as pets. They mostly only eat other insects, and sometimes geckos.

The African Elephant Is The Largest Terrestrial Animal

Did you think we’d give you a list of giant animals without including the African elephant? The African elephant weighs around six tons. This is basically the weight of three cars. They measure at 7.5 meters in length and 3.3 meters high at the shoulders. They use their giant ears to radiate extra heat. This is vital for their survival as they spend long days grazing in the scorching hot African sun.


Their most feature is their long white tusks which also cause them to be at severe threat thanks to poaching and habitat loss. Besides their impressively large frames, African elephants are highly intelligent animals. They exhibit a wide variety of behaviors, like grief, learning, mimicry, play, a sense of humor, compassion, memory, and self-awareness. Their brains are similar to humans in terms of structure and complexity. Do you know how tall giraffes are? See the next animal to find out!

Cinereous Vulture Has An 8-10 Foot Wingspan

The Cinereous Vulture, or Black Vulture, can weigh up to 31 pounds and have a wingspan of 8-10 feet. They are the largest bird of prey in the world. They reside in Europe and Asia. Females are slightly larger than males. They are also one of the heaviest flying birds. They often live alone, but do sometimes live in pairs.


They get together, however, when they’re feeding off of carcasses. Groups with as many as 20 birds may convene to feed off of carcasses. They eat mostly carrion. These vultures are listed as “near threatened” thanks to habitat destruction and the poisoned bait they consume which is used to kill dogs and other such animals.

Ludo, The World’s Biggest House Cat, Is Seriously Huge

Maine Coons have the reputation of being one of the largest cat species ever. They are also one of the oldest American breeds. Rumor has it that main coons were created when a brown tabby mated with an actual, wild raccoon. While that’s impossible, their size is undeniable. Ludo takes the cake as the biggest of the bunch, measuring in at nearly four feet long.


Although his British friend Stewie (previous on our list) might have been larger, Ludo currently holds the record after Stewie passed away. This big cat would give some dogs a major run for their money.

The Giant Oarfish Resembles A Sea Monster

The giant oarfish takes the title as the world’s longest bony fish. They can reach up to 110 feet in length. The biggest oarfish to ever be recorded weighed 600 pounds. They tend to make headlines when they wash up on shore because they are so huge. They have also been confused with “sea serpents” on several occasions.


These deep-sea fish have a silver color with dark markings. They have long, oar-shaped fins and swim in an undulating fashion. While we don’t know much about these fish, we know they feast on krill, other small crustaceans, fish, and squid.  Adult oarfish tend to live on their own.

5 Foot Bismarck Flying Fox Of New Guinea

Most people scorn bats. Many cultures commonly associate them with darkness, witchcraft, and vampires. They are often portrayed as such in films. The Bismarck Masked Flying Fox can be found in Papua New Guinea in forests, coconut groves, and in mixed fruit orchards. It gets its name from the Bismarck Archipelago. These enormous bats are the largest in the world. They get their title as flying foxes thanks to their fox-shaped faces. The span of their wings can measure 5.25 feet but they are usually a little under five feet.


Their ears are pointy and they don’t have a tail. The male bats are able to lactate, making it only one of few species of mammals who are able to do so. They feast on fruit, nectar, and flowers. It lacks the ability to echo-locate, which it makes up for with its well-developed eyesight. They may live in colonies with as many as 200,000 other bats.

The Biggest Butterfly In The World Is A Lady

Most butterflies you have seen were probably very tiny, but the Atlas Moth butterfly is the largest butterfly in the world. Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish botanist, first named the species in 1758. The Atlas Moth is named after the titan of Greek mythology, Atlas (due to their huge size and their map-like wing patterns).


Atlas Moths can be found in tropical climates, mostly in forests and shrublands. They are mainly spotted in Southeast Asia.

Flemish Giant Rabbit Is As Big As The Family Dog

Meet the Flemish Giant Rabbit, a huge breed of domestic rabbit that is the biggest bread of rabbit in the world. These rabbits can weigh up to 22 pounds. The longest one ever recorded was 4 feet 3 inches. The rabbit’s large size is clearly visible in this photo, as it is just as large as the Collie it’s sleeping next to.


While rabbits can make great pets, these are usually bred for their fur and meat. They are very obedient and patient animals. They were bred as far back as the 16th century in Belgium.

The Giant African Snail

The giant African Snail or Ghana Tiger Snail is the largest among land gastropods. The largest snail ever recorded was 15.5 inches long and weighed 2 pounds. For reference, an average snail is less than 2 inches long.


The snail is also listed as one of the most invasive species in the world and the United States Department of Agriculture sees it as one of the biggest potential threats to agriculture and crops in the U.S. The average lifespan for one of these snails is between 5-7 years (although much longer in captivity) and their diet can consist of anything among 500 different species of plants!

The Biggest Earthworm Is Over Nine Feet Long

This next one is pretty gross! Not many people like to imagine slippery, slithering things creeping down under, but they exist. Nature has many surprises and some of them are worms. Australia’s Giant Gippsland earthworm is the biggest earthworm in the world. It can reach a length of 9.8 feet long live up to five years this giant invertebrate checks out at kindergarten).


Luckily, you won’t run into this worm slithering under your front lawn. They live in wet, clay subsoils of river banks and don’t often come to the surface (which contrasts greatly from their smaller relatives who pop up every now again to defecate).

This Puppy Has The Biggest Tail Ever

While Keon the Irish wolfhound is not as tall as, say, his Great Dane friends, he still provides some seriously impressive statistics. He recently broke records with his long tail.  His tail measures at 30.2 inches, awarding him the title of the biggest tail ever.


We can imagine that his owner’s house needs to be very tail-proof or he’d be knocking things over every which way he turned. Would you want to be hit with that tail as he’s happily wagging along? Keon, which means “courageous warrior,” is apparently a gentle giant, but maybe a little clumsy. He resides with his family in Westerlo, Belgium, where he loves hanging with his owners and getting belly rubs.

World’s largest Ants

The giant Amazonian ant, also known as Dinoponera, is among the largest ants in the world. Although there is much more conversation around the bullet ant due to their size and notorious sting, the size of a female giant Amazonian ant can reach up to 1.2- 1.6 inches in length.


Found only in South America, a colony of this particular ant tends to consist of fewer than 100 ants. Also, don’t be fooled; although they aren’t particularly known for their venom, the giant Amazonian ant is still extremely poisonous. Their sting is known to cause extreme pain for up to 48 hours after the initial sting.

This Earthworm Is As Big As A Snake

In December 2013, a photo of this giant earthworm landed on the Internet, and people were convinced that it was fake. However, the earthworm is as real as it gets. Mickey Grosman discovered the worm after a 5,000 mile-trek across South America. He spotted the giant insect and picked it up while in the Sumaco National Park, but wasn’t able to identify the type of insect it was.


While the type of earthworm hasn’t been finalized, some theorize that it is a Glossoscolex Giganteaus, while others think that it might be a Caecilian, a legless amphibian. One this is for certain and that’s that this insect is an absolute giant.

This Crab’s Legs Are Insane

Here you have it, the world’s largest crab. The Japanese Spider Crab lives around the waters of Japan. While it’s clearly not a spider, it has spider-like legs, hence its name. Their legs are longer than any other arthropod, spanning 18 feet from claw to claw. These crabs can weigh up to 42 pounds. In Japanese, their names are “taka-ashi-gani,” which translates as “tall legs crab.”


Their bodies are armored to serve as protection against predators like octopi. They are master camouflagers and make use of ocean elements like shells and sponges to disguise themselves. Crabs, in general, can live for years, these guys can live for over a century! They are also considered a delicacy in Japan and other Asian countries.

The Saltwater Crocodile That Eats Sharks

Male saltwater crocodiles are huge animals. They can range in weight from 1,000 to 2,000 pounds. Brutus the giant saltwater croc measures as 18-foot long. In 2014, he became famous for devouring a bull shark. Brutus was photographed in Kakadu’s Adelaide River. He first rose to popularity when he ate kangaroo meat on a “jumping crocodile” tour in 2011. But, he really obtained his dignified status after winning a fight against a shark three years following.


Harry Bowman from Adelaide River Cruises explained: “It’s pretty gob-smacking for them. A lot of people who come on these cruises haven’t seen a crocodile before. To see them in the wild up so close, I think they’re awed. It’s like seeing a dinosaur really.”

This Massive 22 Lbs. Lobster Finally Tasted Freedom

Louie, the giant 22-pound lobster was finally set free at 132 years old in the summer of 2017. He was trapped in a tank for 20 years and finally was able to taste freedom. He spent two decades inside a tank in a Long Island restaurant. His owner, Yamali, wouldn’t let anybody eat the magnificent creature, so instead, he released him into the wild.


The town of Hempstead gathered for an official ceremony to return the lobster to the wild. Lobster expert Bob Bayer, the executive director at the Lobster Institute in Maine, believes that Louie will prosper in the wild. Who in the world wants to feast on a giant, 22-pound whopper with claws anyways? I could think of many who would be prepared right now with a cup full of butter… Louie maybe half the size of the largest lobster ever caught, but he’s much bigger than the average three to four-pound average lobster.

Bandit’s Thyroid Problem Made Him The Largest Raccoon Ever

A lot of people who suffer from thyroid problems find it very difficult to lose weight. Bandit, the raccoon, can relate to that struggle. This playful 75 lbs raccoon is the largest in the world. He holds the Guinness Book of World Record for being the fattest raccoon in the world. Before you feel too sorry for him,  although he has health issues, a loving family of dogs took in Bandit, where he was raised by a mother, a dog, and her puppies.


Eventually, a woman in Palmerton, Pennsylvania adopted him. Sadly, his thyroid problem eventually leads to his untimely death, but at that point, he already had grown to fame. He even had a couple of minutes of fame on the Food Network and was a regular at Ice Cream World, where he enjoyed drinking slushies through a straw, something that doesn’t sound so beneficial for his weight problem.

King of the Jellyfish

The Lion’s Mane Jellyfish is the largest species of jellyfish in the world! The creature gets its name from the association of its tentacles appearing like the hairs on a lion’s mane. The biggest recorded specimen of a Lion’s mane was found on a shore in Massachusetts Bay in 1870. The bell of this colossus measured about seven feet and six inches, and with tentacles reaching up to 121 feet, it may be a while before we find another Lion’s Mane of this size.

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The Lion’s Mane jellyfish is a cold-water creature, found in the cold waters of the Arctic, northern Atlantic, and northern Pacific Oceans. It has a lifespan of about a year, and its diet consists of other smaller jellyfish.

Giraffes As Tall As A Single Story House

Giraffes are the tallest terrestrial mammal in the world, according to the World Wildlife Federation. Male giraffes commonly reach five meters tall, which is the height of a single-story home. Even more impressive than that are their huge hearts. And we’re not talking about generosity. These gentle creatures have a two-foot heart and a blood pressure that’s up to three times greater than a healthy human’s. This is necessary for the animal to pump blood up its excessively long neck.


Giraffes are so tall that it’s difficult for them to stand up from a seated position. For this reason, you can almost always expect them to find them standing up. A calf, just a few hours after being born, can already run around. As an advantage to their long height, they can eat the best leaves at the top of tall trees which is basically like the cherry on top!

The Goliath Beetle

The Goliath Beetle is one of the largest insects in the world. In the larval stage, it can weigh 2.8 – 3.5 oz and measure up to 9.8 inches. They actually decrease in size as they get older and as adults are about half their size. An adult male Goliath beetle reaches a length of 2.4- 4.3 inches. Goliath Beetles live in the tropical forest in Africa.


Males and females are distinguished by the horn that males use to fight other males for food or potential mates. In the wild, they eat tree sap and a high protein diet. When they are kept as pets, caretakers usually choose to feed the beetles cat and dog food as a supplement for protein. Next up: the largest living animal…

The Friendly 15.3 Hands Donkey

Oklahoma Sam received the title of the “Tallest Living Donkey” in 2012 when he was just four-years-old. He measures at 15.3 hands in length and is much larger than the common donkey, who usually has a length of eight hands. Oklahoma Sam resides in California along with her owner and other animals, such as a Macaw, duck, goose, and four cats, who are very accepting of the donkey and his huge size. Apparently, they aren’t fazed by his large size and love playing with him.


When Sam isn’t busy chasing the others around the farm, he can be found sleeping in the shade or nibbling on her bale. Owner Linda Davis told Guinness World Records, “It actually doesn’t cost any more to have a donkey of this size. He doesn’t eat more. In fact, if I give him more bale he’ll just use it to make his bedding more comfortable.”

Goliath Frog

The Goliath frog may not be the largest amphibian on earth, but it is the largest living species of frogs in the world. They can reach a weight of seven pounds or grow up to 12.6 inches. They live in Africa, in Cameroon, and the Republic of Equatorial Guinea in rivers.


Goliath frogs feast on spiders, small snakes, crabs, turtles, smaller frogs, worms and other insects. They only eat small snakes as larger snakes eat Goliath frogs. While Goliath frogs can live for up to 15 years, they are currently regarded as an endangered species due to habitat loss and being collected for food and the pet trade.

These Mega-Horns Aren’t Photoshopped

While this steer is far from being the biggest cow, his giant horns look like they’re straight out of a sci-fi movie. It looks like they’ve been CGI-ed for our wildest fantasies, but they’re completely real and not photo-shopped. This is Lurch, an African Watusi steer. He has the largest horn circumference of any steer in the world at 37.5 inches.


His horns ended up being his cause of death in 2010 when cancer spread from the base of his horns. The legend of Lurch will live on in our memories. He’s survived by his loving owner Janice Wolf, who lives in Gassville, Arkansas.

Komodo Dragons Might As Well Be Dinosaurs

Just when you thought that dinosaurs were gone for good, we go and introduce you to the Komodo dragon. No, this isn’t a dinosaur, but it’s easy to understand from looking at this thing how dinosaurs really did roam the earth once during prehistoric times. The species is millions of years old and is the largest living lizard. It’s the real-life dragon which is equivalent to our Game of Thrones favorites.


Although the Komodo dragon can’t spit fire or fly, it can easily take down prey as large as water buffalo. The dragon can grow to a length of 10 feet and up to a weight in the 300-pound range. The average Komodos are usually around 155 lbs. The largest Komodo dragon to ever be recorded was 366 pounds and reached a staggering 10.3 feet in length.

A Red Tibetan Mastiff Sold For $1.5 Million

The Tibetan Mastiff is a massive Tibetan dog breed that originates with the nomadic cultures of Tibet, China, Pakistan, India, Mongolia, and Nepal. Local Tibetan tribes use them to protect their sheep from wolves, leopards, bears, and tigers. Adult Tibetan Mastiffs can weigh up to 286 pounds. In 2011, this red Tibetan mastiff became the most expensive dog in the world after it was sold for 10 million Chinese yuan which is the equivalent of $1.5 million.


While in America, people show off wealth with big homes and expensive cars, in China, owning one of these dogs has become a status symbol. The color of these animals is red, which for the Chinese, symbolizes a lucky color. They are thought of as holy animals and believed to give their owners better health and security. You’ll see another dog later on this list who was once the runt and grew to a staggering 245 pounds!

Sammy the Tortoise

Colin Kapernick is known for being a quarterback with the San Francisco 49ers. He is a talented player who plays smoothly and is a fierce ball of fire. His giant pet tortoise Sammy, is quite the exact opposite of that. Sammy weighs around 115 pounds. His species is one of the third-largest species of tortoises in the world.


These turtles can live up to 150 years. Because a tortoise can outlive its owner, some owners are so dedicated to their pet turtles that they put them in their will. In 2013, when the San Francisco 49ers were going to the super bowl, Sammy the tortoise had his own Twitter feed and had a great deal of opinion to share with the world.

This 222 lbs. Siamese Carp Is The Real Deal

Nowadays, no pictures are posted to social media without undergoing a lot of touching up and added effects. So, it’s easy to assume that everything is Photoshopped. While you may think that this picture has been Photoshopped, it’s as real as it gets. This huge 222 lbs Siamese carp was pulled out of a lake in Ban Pon, Thailand after a 90-minute battle trying to capture it. 27-year-old fisherman Tim Webb finally managed to tame the beast and caught the fish by using bread and bran rice as bait (like many of us, carbs were his downfall).


After Webb captured the photo with two other fishermen, he transported the great giant to his own fishery 25 miles from the lake. It took six people to lift the fish into his truck. We hope that the fish is living a happy life in his new home.

Gentle Giant

The blue whale may hold the title for being the largest animal on earth, but the whale shark is the world’s largest fish. Despite being a shark, it isn’t thought to be a dangerous animal and actually is known to be playful and let divers catch a ride on its back.


They generally live in tropical waters near the equator and is a filter feeder. They eat mostly plankton but sometimes, they may also eat small squid, small fish, and krill. The largest whale shark to be measured was 41.5 feet in length and weighed 47,000 pounds.

Supersize Spiders

If you have a fear of spiders, you’ll want to steer clear of the Goliath Spider. Also known as the bird-eating spider, it is the largest spider in the world in terms of mass and size. They live in the rainforest of South America in which it makes its home in burrows. Females can live from 15 to 25 years, while males only live from 3 to 6 years.

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Despite its name, it only sometimes eats adult birds. Instead, it often feasts upon other spiders, amphibians, snakes and rodents. The Goliath Spider is venomous, although its venom isn’t as strong as you might imagine and isn’t much more powerful than the venom from a wasp sting.

This 922-Pound Liger Is The World’s Largest Living Cat

Meet Hercules, the 922-pound liger.  Hercules is a hybrid offspring from a male lion and a female tiger. Ligers enjoy swimming like tigers and are sociable like lions. Hercules lives at the Myrtle Beach Safari wildlife preserve home. He measures in at 131 inches long and 39 inches tall at the shoulder.


Despite his fierce appearance, he still enjoys feeding on a bottle by his keepers and likes to play like a kitten despite being over 100 times the average weight of a house cat. Ligers are much larger than pure-bred tigers and lions and can grow to twice the size.

Big Jake Weighed 2,600 Pounds

In 2012, Big Jake was awarded a title in the Guinness World Records. He is the world’s tallest horse, standing beautifully at six feet, nine inches tall. His weight was recorded to be a whopping 2,600 pounds. His owner, Jerry Gilbert, raises the horse on his farm in Michigan. He explained: “He was extremely hard to hold on to when he was young and when I would turn him outside sometimes he would take me with him!”


Big Jake manages with other animals and enjoys pulling a wagon. Owing to his enormous size, he lives in an extra-large stall — it was 20X20 feet instead of what is usual for horses, a 12X12 foot stall. Big Jake is now retired and enjoys hanging around the farm.

Big Bob The Goldfish

When Anne Cooper brought home, Big Bob, from the pet shop, he was an inch long. She never could have expected him to grow to the size of a foot-long sandwich from Subway. He towers over the other fish in the tank and she has had to move him to five different fish tanks because he keeps continuing to grow and outgrow the tanks.


Goldfish are actually very intelligent, despite people assuming the opposite. According to Cooper, Big Bob tends to get violent when he doesn’t get his food on time. He thrashes about in his tank so violently, that he scares away her two cats from the tank. Also,  Big Bob has his own fashion style and apparently loathes the color red.

A Huge 36 Foot Great White Was Pulled Up In South Australia

There’s a reason why Great white sharks have their name and that’s because they’re well, great. They average 20 feet in length and 5,000 pounds but they are often much bigger than that. The biggest great white sharks ever to be taken from the ocean measured 36 and 37 feet long, according to The Guinness Book of World Records.

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The biggest of the two was caught in Port Fairy, South Australia in the 1870s, while the smaller monster was caught in the 1930s in New Brunswick, Canada. I can only imagine how big those teeth must have been! Great whites are found in the coastal surface waters of all major oceans. They can live for longer than 70 years. They can swim at speeds over than 56 kilometers per hour and to depths of 1,200 meters.

Largest Land Carnivores

Our list would be incomplete without the Polar Bear and Kodiak bear. These are the world’s largest land carnivores. A male polar bear can weigh between 772 to 1,543 pounds. Females can weigh half that amount. The polar bear uses sea ice to hunt seals. As a result of climate change and the sea ice melting, Polar Bears are being deeply impacted. There are an estimated 20-25,000 polar bears currently alive.


While Polar Bears are huge and often get the reputation of being aggressive, this is actually hardly the case. When faced with a confrontation, they choose to walk away if possible.

World’s Biggest Bunnies

Darius the bunny is much larger than the one you’ll find in your backyard. He’s recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as being the longest bunny. He measures 4 feet 4 inches long. But, his son Jeff is now bigger than him at 4 feet 5 inches. It is expected that his daughter Enya will surpass both of them in size.

Getty Images Photo by Adam Gray/Barcroft Media

The continental giant breed of bunnies was once bred for meat, but now they make great house pets. Darius is such a big pet that his owner Annette Edwards keeps him in his own dog crate! Darius is not a cheap house pet as he consumes more than 2,000 carrots and 700 apples every year plus a great deal of rabbit food.

The World’s Largest Tortoise Weighed 919 lbs.

Tortoises are big, but none surpassed the size of Goliath. In the 1960s, this hatchling found a home at Seffner’s Life Fellowship Bird Sanctuary. He continued to grow until reaching a weight of 919 lbs. Although most tortoises reach their maximum height when they’re 30-years-old, Goliath never stopped growing.


These types of tortoises thrive in the Galapagos Islands and the Aldabra Atoll. There are an estimated 25,000 of them, which seems like a lot of these heavy creatures, but they were once more widespread. Although Goliath passed away in 2002, his legacy as the largest tortoise lives on.

Things Are Kind Of Fishy With This Gigantic Goldfish

While huge carp sometimes is greater than 90lbs, goldfish aren’t known for their size. If anything, they are known for their tiny size. But, in the wild, they can grow to be pretty big. Many kids keep goldfish as pets. When they are tired of caring for them, they may think to go dump them in the lake. That’s actually the worst thing that you can do for a goldfish.


The invasive species has several natural predators and the number continues to grow. Recently, researchers discovered a four-pound goldfish. I assume that’s bigger than the small pet you won at the carnival last year.

The Leatherback Sea Turtle

Meet the leatherback sea turtle, the largest turtle alive today. It is also one of the heaviest reptiles alive in the world. Although it’s a turtle, the leatherback doesn’t have a bone shell. While most turtles have a shell, the leatherback is with its skin exposed. The average size of leatherbacks is 6 to 7 feet in length. They can weigh between 550 to 1,540 pounds. Leatherbacks around the Caribbean hold the average in size per region. There, they can weigh around 847 pounds.


Not much is known about their lifespans. These turtles feast mostly on jellyfish. They reside in oceans all over the world. People around the world harvest sea turtle eggs and because of this, these turtles are in decline. Asian exploitation of turtle nests has especially been a significant contributor to this. In Malaysia, the eggs are considered to be a delicacy. The turtle has cultural significance around the world and there are tribal ceremonies and parties devoted to the turtle. The tribes work in collaboration with animal conservation groups to stop the animal’s decline.

The Three-Foot Long Coconut Crab

Coconut Crabs are the biggest known crabs in the world. They are a type of hermit crab. They can have a weight of up to nine pounds and grow up to 3 feet 3 inches in length from leg-to-leg. They reside on certain islands in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean and as far away as the Gambier Islands.


They eat fruits, nuts, and seeds but they also sometimes eat carrion and other foods as well. Despite their name, they don’t often eat coconut. The only times they climb are when they feel threatened or want to escape. I imagine we’d also want to escape if we saw one of these crawling on our walls.

The Titan Longhorn Beetle Is 6.6 Inches Long

This is not for those with entomophobia, or a fear of insects. Actually, I think most of us, even without this fear, wouldn’t want to be stuck next to these huge Titan Longhorn beetles. Except of course, if you come from the rainforests of South America, where you might be used to seeing these critters as this kid looks like. They are found in countries like Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and north-central Brazil. They maintain the status as one of the largest beetles on Earth. The biggest Titan specimen ever recorded was 6.6 inches long.


Although Hercules beetles are longer sometimes, they are measured from their horns, which comes out of their thorax. But, the Titans have bigger bodies. Their mandibles are so strong they can chop pencils in half! They use their strong jaws to ward off predators and hiss and bite. Adult beetles skip feeding, instead of using their time to search for mates. Their larvae have never been found, but they are thought to feed inside of wood and may take a few years to reach full size before pupating.

The Biggest Fish On The Planet: Ocean Sunfish

Meet Mola Mola, the Ocean Sunfish. They take the cake for being the biggest and heaviest bony fish on the planet. The Mola Mola is humongous fish is are characterized by its flat body and a huge head. They usually weigh more than 2,200 pounds, with fins that reach up to eight feet in length. Some have even weighed up to 5,100  pounds with fins which measure 10.8 feet to 14 feet. You can find these fish in tropical and temperate waters.


They maintain a diet mostly of sea jellies. Because their diet lacks adequate nutrition, they eat large amounts in order to develop and maintain their weight. Female Sunfish can produce more eggs than any other known vertebrate, producing up to 300,000,000 at once. As large as they are, they are feasted on by sea lions, killer whales, and sharks. Wait until you see another sea creature further down the list which was mistaken for a sea monster.

11 Year Old Boy Shoots, Kills 1,051 Pound Hog

In 2007, an 11-year-old boy made history when he shot and killed a giant hog that weighed 1,051 pounds and measured nine-feet long. Jamison Stone shared with ABC News “He was snarling, you know popping his jaws as a threat, and that’s when I took my shot.” He and his father were on a hunt for the gigantic animal for three hours before they finally nailed him. This photo went viral and many people questioned whether it was real. Jamison and his father stood up for themselves, demanding that it was in fact real.


Actually, the pig wasn’t even a wild pig but a farm pig that had been raised on an Alabama farm. Also known as Fred, the pig was sold to the Los Creek Plantation four days before Jamison shot him. The pig’s massive size is scientifically possible, considering that in 2004, a National Geographic forensics team excavated the original “Hogzilla,” an 800-pound wild boar that was killed in Georgia.

The 3-Pound Goldfish

A fisher named Mike Martin recently got his hands on a giant goldfish. Initially trying to catch some perch on Lake St. Clair,  just north of Detroit, Michigan. Martin ended up reeling in a 15-inch goldfish that tipped the scales at 3 pounds. The average goldfish fit for your home fishbowl measures at just a couple inches. The main question on his mind is, how did this get so big?


According to National Geographic, legend has it that about 2000 years, the Chinese were domesticating carp. Over time mutations occurred, resulting in the orange-colored fish we know today as goldfish. These fish were transported in the 1600s to Europe and then to America in the 1850s. Some researchers believed that a few fish escaped these during these imports and are offshoots of bigger carps.

Zeus The Gentle Great Dane

Seeing as Great Danes usually take up the list of biggest dogs ever, it’s no surprise that this breed would make yet another entry. This time, we have Zeus, the Great Dane, who at 44 inches in height, reaches about 7 feet when “standing.”


Zeus the dog has spent his years as a certified therapy dog, comforting hospital patients with his very giant and calming presence. In 2015 Zeus passed away at the age of 6. In 2011 The Guinness World Records acknowledged his height and made hin the tallest dog in the world that year.

Zorba, The Giant English Mastiff

Breaking the Guinness World Record in 2008, this English Mastiff held the record for the largest dog in the world from the year 1989. Zorba, the goliath of a dog is currently still the longest dog, measuring an insane 8 feet. The behemoth is also considered the heaviest dog in the world, weighing at 343 pounds. If you need a point of reference, this breed of dog usually grows to weigh around 230 pounds.


Zorba even made an appearance on the David Letterman show in 1989. If he was alive today he would be a social media sensation.

This Huge Landseer Newfoundland

This Landseer Newfoundland broke records when in 2009 the Associated Press did a profile on the massive dog named Boomer. Not exactly a Guinness record but certainly attention-worthy, the fluffy canine measured 36 inches and a tail long enough to create quite a path of destruction.


Unfortunately, Boomer was growing at such a rapid rate that his belly stitches kept ripping. He died in 2012 at the age of 6.

The Biggest American Molossus Ever

It might be a bit of a preemptive move to jump to the record books, but in March 2018, this dog owner from Utah, Jared Howser, reported that his puppy named Euphrates, measured at 6 feet on her hind legs and weighed over 180 pounds. The American Molossus is the result of two impressively sized canines, an English and a Neapolitan Mastiffs.


This breed is said to be a close relative to the Mesopotamian Molossus, a behemoth of a dog that supposedly battled alongside his owner, Alexander the Great

Barivel the Monster Domestic Cat

The longest domestic cat in the world is a fluffy feline named Barivel. Hailing from Italy, Barivel is a Maine Coon cat that measures at 3 feet and 11.2 inches long, officially making him the longest domesticated cat in the world, Guinness World Record official. At that size, you may as well trade it in for a baby tiger, though we bet that Barivel is irreplaceable.


While this cat may be massive, it looks terribly domesticated and would probably never be caught dead pouncing on a mouse. From the looks of that quality fur, Barivel must have it pretty good.

Blossom the Whale of a Cow

Born to two totally normal-sized parents, Blossom the cow was recorded to be the tallest cow in the world in 2014. The female Holstein belonged to the proud owner Patty Meads-Hanson who has cared for dear Blossom since she was eight weeks old. When Patty’s father noticed the unusual and continuous growth, he suggested that Guinness Wolrd Records ought to check it out, thus making it official.


Blossom reached a height of 74.8 inches (over 6 feet tall.) Unfortunately, the cow passed away in May 2015 at age 13. According to Patty, Blossom lived a wonderful life, filled with daily chin rubs.

 Super Long Horned Texas Longhorn

Texas Longhorns are famous for their…well, long horns, but Poncho stood out among the rest. Owner Jeral Pope decided that he just had to have this animal when he noticed one day a small herd of these steers outlined against the sunset. He knew at the moment he had to get to one. He found Poncho at 6 months and have been best friends ever since. While the horns look pretty intimidating, the Pope family insists that Poncho is nothing but a huge softy.


In May 2019, Poncho made the Guinness World records for having the largest horns on a living steer. The horns span at 10 feet and 7.4 inches. That’s wider than two grand pianos.

Longest Fur on Rabbit

A bunny named Franchesca holds a world record for having the longest fur on a rabbit. While this bunny (named Francesca) is still ridiculously cute, she does seem rather beastly in all this fluff. In fact, many people confused her a small dog instead, in particular a Pekinese, and while there’s barely anything ferocious seemingly about a Pekinese, Francesca’s amount of fur is still pretty surprising.


The English Angora rabbit broke the record in 2014, with fur that measured at 36.5 cm (14.37 in.) The owner Betty Chu routinely combs Francesca’s fluff, keeping her as groomed but snug as possible.

This Dog Has The Longest Tounge

Speaking of Pekinese dogs, this little thing has won the record for the longest tongue on a dog in the world. in 2011, Puggy the Pekinese who hails from Texas and belongs to owner Becky Stanford has a tongue that hangs at 4.5 inches. That’s longer than the tongue of any other dog and considering that this is one tiny breed, it is extremely impressive.


While this Puggy is a cutie, the slobbering factor might be a little too much to handle with a tongue like that.

Cassius The Giant Crocodile

Crocs are big and scary enough, so add a record-breaking Cassius Clay to the mix and you’ve got yourself a story. While this crocodile may not be the biggest one in the world, it definitely made the books for the largest of its kind that was raised in captivity.


Since the year 2011, Cassius has been safely residing in a wildlife park situated in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and measures at 17 feet in length. That is roughly the size of two ping pong tables.

A Giant Tongued Saint Bernard Named Mochi

Beating little Puggy the Pekanese in the year 2016, we now have Mochi, the dog currently with the largest tongue in the world. Mochi’s tongue measures over 7 inches and belongs to Carla and Craig Rickert of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. According to the Rickerts, while Mochi’s impressively sized tongue has garnered some attention, it has come with its fair share of problems such as breathing challenges, and of course, excess slobber.


The dog owners are certainly up to the challenges and make extra sure that Mochi and his record-breaking tongue are well taken care of. With enough love and peanut butter scoops, Mochi is one happy pooch.

A Giant-Eared Bloodhound

Moving on from giant tails and overgrown tongues, we now have Tigger the bloodhound with the biggest ears in the world. These floppy things hang at 13.75 inches (34.9cm) and 13.5 inches  (34.2 cm) for the right and left ears, respectively.


Tigger belongs to the proud Illinois owners, Bryan and Christian Flessner who have been celebrating their fluffy family member at numerous dog shows. In fact, Tigger has taken over 180 Best of Breed awards and was inducted into the Bloodhound Hall of Fame in 2003.

The Greatest Great Dane of All Time

This monstrous canine that’s fed on a hearty diet of 2 pounds ground beef daily, casserole steak, liver, and the odd chunk of sofa sponge measures 40.75 inches. Freddy, as he is named, resides in Essex, England, lives with his owner Clair Stoneman. She told the Telegraph that he has destroyed a number of couches, 26 to be exact.


Freddy is also now, according to the Guinness World Record, now bigger than Zeus as of the year 2017. He is now 7 years old.

The World’s Largest Millipede

Scaling down to our creepy crawly friends, this kind of “animal kingdom” has its own version of beasts and monsters, and one of them comes in the form of a millipede that measures 15-inch long and 2 inches in circumference. The average size of millipede generally measures about 6 inches.


Even though a human towers over the full-grown African giant black millipede, it’s unusual and forboding length gives it quite a frightening appearance, even to the toughest of us.

This Giant Shipworm

Recorded to be both the largest living mollusk and bivalve, (mollusks with shells like clams, oysters, scallops, and mussels) this aquatic creature, known as a giant shipworm looks as scary as it sounds. Its long gooey pipe-like appearance that looks like it comes from a Geroge Orwell novel was discovered accidentally by a research team working in the Philippines, led Dr. Distel. When one of Distel’s students stumbled on the mollusk, they knew they had discovered something quite spectacular.


This strange creature lives in a shell that resembles an elephant tusk and measures between 3 and 5 feet long. The mollusk itself is the length of a baseball bat, according to Live Science. This species is also is known to be the longest surviving bivalve in history.

The Longest Snake Ever

These snakes don’t need the extra length to make them any more threatening but throw in a few meters and you have a full-blown horror film on your hands. The reticulated python is the largest snake species of python known to man. The longest one ever to be recorded was found in Malaysia in 2016. It was found on the construction site and measured 26.2 feet, according to the Guinness World Records.


Though a marvel of mother nature, the snake was captured and died shortly after. While it would have been amazing to keep it alive, it seemed far too dangerous to take the risk. The snake even out-measured Medusa, the longest captive snake in the world

The Largest Primate

When it comes to primates, the eastern gorilla rules in size and can measure up to 6  feet with a weight of about 400 pounds on average. These beasts generally reside in the forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, and Rwanda. Gorilla Beringei wins the title of the largest primate in the world, with a height of up to 6.2 feet and a weight of roughly 450 pounds, according to Gorillas-World.


While these behemoths roam the jungles of eastern and central Africa, the heaviest gorilla was actually found to be in St.Louis. This huge primate named Phil was raised in the zoo. Phil the eastern lowland gorilla, was slightly shorter but weighed 860 pounds. He died in 1958. Sadly, around 5000 gorillas remain in those African jungles today, making them critically endangered.

The Biggest Atlas Beetle

The gorilla of the insect world, the Atlas beetle is one sizeable bug. Belonging to the rhinoceros beetle species which is already a king in the beetle world can measure up to 5.1 inches (13 centimeters.) Aptly named after the Titan that was doomed to hold up the earth for eternity, this critter can certainly carry its load too.


They’re also notoriously vicious and have been known to fight to the death as early as the larvae stage if there is not enough of space or food. These beetles can be found in Southern Asia, particularly Indonesia.

The Largest Insect in the World

Up until the year 2016, the largest insect in the world was the stick insect named a Phobaeticus Chani. The specimen which is currently being held in the Natural History Museum measures 56.7 centimeters (22.3 in). That’s when the legs are fully extended. The body alone however still measures an awesome 357 mm (14.1 in). But there’s a new sheriff in town and the longest bug is officially the Phryganistria Chinensis Zhao, a new species of stick insect.


The new species named after the Zhao Li of the Insect Museum of West China has been researched for years. At the museum, it laid 6 eggs. The offspring after hatching measured 26 centimeters.

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