Los Angeles Pet Memorial Park
A Special Pet Cemetery with a Unique and Colorful History in Southern California
If you live in the Los Angeles area and have had a beloved pet die, you might be wondering if there is a pet cemetery where you can lay your faithful friend to rest. Fortunately, one of the oldest pet cemeteries on the West Coast is located in the Los Angeles area. It’s long and colorful history make it a unique haven for pet owners.

Los Angeles Pet Memorial Park, nestled in the rolling hills of Calabasas, consists of 10 acres of peaceful, beautifully landscaped grounds. This pet cemetery, founded in 1928, was once threatened to be turned over to land developers. A committed and passionate group of pet owners formed S.O.P.H.I.E. (Save Our Pets’ History in Eternity), a non-profit group dedicated to preserving the grounds. They were able to raise enough funds to buy the grounds and were responsible for the passing of the first-ever State law in California to protect pet cemeteries. In 1986 S.O.P.H.I.E. dedicated the Park in perpetuity. As such, you can be assured your pet will rest in peace in this lush sanctuary.
Los Angeles Pet Memorial Park is a full-service pet cemetery that offers a 24-hour pick-up service and assistance in choosing a casket, urn, marker or border. Pre-need planning is available, and people with more than one pet will be glad to know that multiple in-ground lots are available. The Park also offers a cremation service. Your pet’s ashes can be scattered among the lovely rose gardens, interred in the Park’s mausoleum, or taken home in a decorative urn.

Compassionate staff members are on hand to help make arrangements for burial or cremation services. Burials and cremations are unique to your own religious or spiritual preferences. There are services and products to suit the financial situation of every pet owner.
The Park is a special place with a rich history. Over 40,000 pets are buried throughout the sprawling grounds. Take a walk around and you will find tiny headstones and crypts inscribed with loving and humorous eulogies. Being located near Hollywood, it’s not surprising to find that many “celebrity pets” are laid to rest at Los Angeles Memorial Park. The gravesites of Humphrey Bogart’s dog, “Boots,” Charlie Chaplin’s cat, “Scout,” Rudolph Valentino’s dog, “Kabar,” the Little Rascals’ dog, “Petey,” and Hopalong Cassidy’s horse, “Topper,” are among the many animal “celebrities.”

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