Every State of the U.S Embodied in One Photo
If you grew up in Maine or Minnesota, you’re probably used to people thinking you never get cold, or even worse – that you like being cold, and if you grew up in Texas or Indiana, you’ve probably had enough of people thinking you ride your horse (or pickup truck) to work or to school every day. Every country has its own unique stereotypes, and while some of these are unrealistic as can be, others are surprisingly true, and surprisingly funny. We ranked the photos of each state that perfectly embody its stereotypes, and it’s surprisingly accurate – scroll down to see how your state is perceived by the rest of the U.S.
50. New Hampshire
You can see Moose in different states around the U.S, but in New Hampshire, they’re an epidemic. Did you know that not long ago, a moose was found and rescued from a private swimming pool in Bedford, New Hampshire? How did he get there, and why, we have no idea, but what we do know is that the owners of the said pool found an unwelcome surprise there. With complete honesty, though, they weren’t really that surprised – still, it’s N.H we’re talking about.
New Hampshire is famously known for its picturesque wilderness, but when the wildlife of this wilderness evades your home, it can get uncomfortable, to say the least. That’s why they have signs warning against moose (and other wildlife) along the roads, which best depict the essence of the small state. Despite the moose that sometimes cause a minor inconvenience to the citizens, they live harmoniously and happily together.
49. Virginia
There are two things Virginians love more than anything else: their farms, and historical reenactments. Over the years, Virginians have accumulated a reputation for being hillbillies, perhaps because of their eternal love for their farms; and perhaps it’s because they like to have fun and are close with their families. Either way, some of these stereotypes are nothing but prejudiced stereotypes, while others are somewhat reality-based.
There are plenty of things you can say about Virginians, and only some would be true, but one thing you can’t argue with is their perception of the Civil War, which they seem to believe isn’t yet over. Virginia didn’t get the memo that the Civil War ended in 1865, and if you visit the state, you’d get a clue as to why that is: the state is full of war memorials, and the people create yearly reenactments – and it’s not just some country folks that have nothing better to do, but all around the state, people are waiting for the annual reenactment, and every one has in their closet appropriate outfits.
48. North Carolina
We all know that the biggest stereotype about the Tar Heel state, aside from being notoriously famous for their traditional barbecue, is that they can’t spell even if their lives depended on it. You can argue with stereotypes, but you can’t argue with this photo. At least they have their BBQ to be proud of and take comfort in.
Perhaps if they weren’t constantly busy fighting over the best way to barbecue, they’d have more time to invest in “shcool!” This is all said with humor, of course, and although this sign was somehow authorized, it doesn’t really mean no one in the Tar Heel state can spell. And even if they don’t, there are plenty other reasons to visit the beautiful state, the famous barbecue and sweet tea are at the bottom of the list.
47. Utah
The first word that comes to mind when we think of Utah is Mormons, and that’s why this photo best captures the essence of the state; don’t you think? This is one of those stereotypes that is completely accurate, since one-third of the total number of Mormons in the U.S can be found in Utah, meaning over two million Mormons in Utah alone.
So perhaps not all Utahns are Mormons, but they do all have large families, which is possibly what creates the confusion. In Utah, you can be an uncle at the age of five, and it’s not uncommon for toddlers to be aunts and uncles, because they all have so many siblings. Don’t believe us? The birth rate in Utah is among the highest in the country.
46. Rhode Island
When you’re the smallest state of all the states in the U.S, obviously, people are going to be making fun of your size. That’s just how it is. But Rhode Island has it good, because being made fun of your size is a lot better than being made fun of for your inability to spell, or your reproduction habits. One thing you can’t take from Rhode Island, is their healthy sense of self-humor.
That’s why the sign welcoming you to Rhode Island is beating it to the punch, by making a joke about their size and embracing the jokes, so that it’s no longer on them, but they’re laughing along with everyone else. Besides, being a small state has its advantages – you can drive from one end of the state to the other in under an hour, and so you never have to spend hours on the road on your way to work.
45. New York
Sinatra sang, “New York, New York,” and we must say, he took the words right out of our mouths. Oh, New York, what hasn’t been said about it. From the friendly rats in the alleys, to the famous Brooklyn pizza, there are so many stereotypes about the Big Apple, it was hard to choose the one that best embodies the state. Say what you will about New Yorkers, that they are rude, they live in a bubble – all of these are true – you can’t take away their style.
This photo, taken in the NYC subway, summarizes all of these cliches. It portrays the No Pants Subway Ride, today a national event, that started in New York (where else would such an event be created). The New York subway has its own life, and everything that is interesting in New York somehow drains into the subway, and creates a parallel universe that captures all the unique phenomena of the city.
44. Oklahoma
A lot of states in the U.S are notoriously known for being extremely unhealthy, and Oklahoma is at the top of the unflattering list. Okies have a lot of good things going on for them, but eating healthy isn’t one of those things. While Texas would never be able to give up meat (with their beer), Okies would never be able to give up fried food.
This tweet demonstrates the eternal stereotype, and shows that Okies frying everything isn’t just a stereotype, but a reality. They’ll fry anything you give them, whether it’s vegetables (because let’s be honest, that’s the only way they taste good), meat, rattlesnake (don’t ask) and even gummy bears. Deep-fried gummy bears is a proud Oklahoma specialty.
43. Kansas
Kansas is called the Sunflower State for good reason, but it might as well have been called the Windy State. It isn’t merely a stereotype that what best captures the essence of Kansas is wind and tornadoes, and it’s not a coincidence that the disastrous tornado in The Wizard of Oz takes place in Kansas. Dorothy’s story can be a real one, up until the point where magic is involved.
If you’re from Kansas, you’re probably sick of being asked if you’ve ever been caught in a tornado. While Kansas does have a rich history of unfortunate tornadoes, and it is incredibly windy, it’s only ranked at number eight on the worst tornadoes, after Iowa, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Indiana, Oklahoma and Arkansas. And while there are plenty of other things to be laughed at in Kansas, for some reason the tornadoes is what it’s most known for.
42. Alabama
Sweet Home Alabama, indeed. While Alabama is very much known for its warm, Southern hospitality and friendliness, unfortunately, it’s also known for a lot of other, less flattering things. Alabama is basically the ultimate country state, including all the stereotypes of living in a farm, listening exclusively to country music, missing your front teeth, driving pickup trucks – the whole deal.
While some of these are true (only to some extent), others are just an old prejudice. This photo demonstrates everything about these stereotypes that is actually completely accurate: a simple, yet innovative boat, a chair linked to a car battery, sitting on two blocks of wood that creates the ultimate fishing mode of transportation and/or recreation chair. And on top of it all, the mascot of the Alabama Crimson Tide to mark the territory.
41. California
The Golden State is home for the most laid-back, open-minded people of the U.S, according to the stereotype. In California, they’re all about hitting the beach, sunbathing, surfing, partying, surfing again, and of course – Hollywood. According to the stereotype, all Californians are aspiring movie stars (including the tech population of Silicon Valley).
This photo lives up to the stereotype, proving that in California, they have a clear set of values and priorities, and religion is not at its top, unlike some other states in the U.S. At the top of their priorities is bodybuilding, surfing, and allowing everyone to be whoever they want. That is both the reason why people love it and hate it.
40. Hawaii
The only other state in the U.S where something like this would be possible is California, since they are notoriously known for their terrible traffic, and their fondness of surfing. So many people regularly carry surfboards in their cars on the way to the beach, that we’re actually surprised this incident happened in Hawaii.
Well, not that surprised. After all, Hawaii is also known for its great surfing waves and for being an ultimate surfing destination. It’s also known for the famous Hawaii shirts, but that’s for another article. This photo is not Photoshop, but it was taken in Hawaii after a surfboard smashed into a car windshield. Hawaii is considered the surfing capital of the world, and its actually the place where the sport (or art, as they consider it) of surfing first surfaced.
39. New Mexico
Describing New Mexico in one word: Chili. They know their chili, they take pride in their chili, and they live for their green chili. The other strong stereotype of New Mexico is the one depicted in the show Breaking Bad, you know, the one where the aging chemistry teacher becomes a meth dealer. But mostly chili.
New Mexicans also eat tacos, burritos and nachos in abundance, and so it’s only natural they’d make the best chili in the U.S. They even took it as far as creating an annual chili festival. This one really isn’t just a stereotype, but the thing that most captures the essence of New Mexico, where their favorite saying is ‘the spicier – the better.’ New Mexicans in the crowd – care to suggest anything else?
38. Illinois
New Mexico has its chili, and Illinois has its pizza. Illinois is famous for many things, but the biggest stereotype must have something to do with the notorious pizza pie of Chicago. It was a tough competition between the horribly cold weather, the Cubs, and the pizza. Deep-dish pizza (otherwise known as “Chicago-style Pizza,” let’s see you argue with that), is a state pride.
The beauty of deep-dish pizza is that the deep dish allows larger amounts of cheese, tomato sauce, and everything else, and creates a sort of pizza-stuffed pizza. This is somewhat of a stereotype that Illinoisans don’t really care for, but for visitors coming to Chicago, that’s the main attraction.
37. Nevada
When we think of Nevada we either think of a huge desert, or Las Vegas. It’s true that Nevada has a lot to offer aside from Vegas, but the Sin City is its source of pride, and also a source of endless jokes and drunken experiences. That’s why this photo depicts everything that Nevada is about: having fun and regretting it the next morning (provided you can remember anything).
Nevada (and Vegas, specifically) is also notoriously known for its easy process of acquiring a marriage license and its many (many) wedding chapels. In fact, some people seem to believe that aside from wedding chapels, there are no churches in Vegas. Given all that, another consequential stereotype is that everyone in Vegas are either gamblers, cocktail waiters, or Elvis impersonators (including the priests).
36. Wisconsin
Not for naught Wisconsin is known as “America’s Dairyland.” It is one of the nation’s leading diary products producers, perhaps because they have so many cows there. But cheese, though they have it in abundance, isn’t the local’s favorite. What Wisconsinites really live for is beer. Cheese and beer, beer and cheese, doesn’t really matter what’s on the side, as long as it comes with a glass of beer.
That’s why this photo depicts Wisconsin so accurately – it combines the local pride and the local love. And it’s also true they all wear flannel shirts all the time, when they visit the local watering hole with their friends or watch the big game, of course, with a plate of cheese and a cool beer.
35. Washington
Washington is extremely diverse, and so choosing one photo that best depicts the state wasn’t an easy task, but I think we did a pretty good job. The photo captures both the diverse social fabric of the state, and the thing that essentially brings them all together (what’s written on the sign, if you need a clue; the second one). Washingtonians all like to smoke, and we’re not talking about cigarettes.
And with smoking comes a very unfitting activity that all Washingtonians enjoy – cycling. They all own a bike, and they all enjoy cycling; if you ask us, the two hobbies don’t really mix well together. Then again, Washington is also famous for its coffee addiction, its beer snobbery, and many other things that don’t seem to mix well together. Like we said, it’s a diverse place.
34. South Dakota
There are several states in the U.S that are notoriously known for being boring. Extremely boring. One of those states is South Dakota. Here’s a fun game – you have thirty seconds to think of the best attraction in South Dakota. What did you come up with? Yes, at least it has Mt. Rushmore to provide them with some pride, and trust me, they do take pride in it, but it’s not really an attraction, especially if you’ve seen it a hundred times before.
But at least they have one thing to comfort them – at least they’re not North Dakota. Aside from having Mt. Rushmore, that’s the only thing they really take pride in. Everything bad you have to say about South Dakota is probably true about North Dakota as well, and so the only thing they take comfort in is the fact they aren’t South Dakota, which is that much more boring and that much colder.
33. Louisiana
And then this happened. Louisiana has so many alligators, that people there are no longer afraid of them. On the contrary – they embrace them. Because what can you do? There comes a point where every state stops resisting its stereotypes and simply accepts them. Remember we said Utah has the largest population of Mormons in the country – over two million? – the same goes for Louisiana, but for alligators. The alligators population in the state is approaching two million.
It looks like a baby alligator, but it’s still alarming that the children don’t even seem to be afraid of it. This photo raises too many questions, and not too good a reputation for Louisiana. What is the alligator being used for? What is he doing outside of a swamp and in this backyard? And why is this father completely oblivious to his children standing this close to an alligator?
32. Maryland
This hardly seems like a good start to any visit, and it’s an unfortunate timing that the car accident should take place right in front of the sign welcoming you to Maryland. If there’s one thing this state is known for is their love for seafood (specifically crabs). The second thing is that they are incredibly bad drivers; this photo makes this stereotype come to life.
In case you were wondering, we didn’t make this stuff up; Maryland really is notorious for its bad drivers, and Baltimore drivers were even ranked as the worst drivers in America (for two consecutive years). Thus, if there’s any photo that can truly capture the essence of Maryland and its bad drivers, it’s this one.
31. Michigan
We all know that in Michigan, people can go sunbathing and skiing all in one day, due to extreme changes of weather. Although they can experience all four seasons within the same day, mostly all they have is winter, and they never hesitate to mention it (or complain about it) every chance they get. Winter in Michigan lasts nine months, and so in extreme cases, they celebrate Fourth of July building a snowman.
This is why Michiganders should accept their faiths once and for all, and make the best of what they have; try to sunbathe even during the winter time, since summer is too short and precious. The second most famous stereotype, that isn’t really a stereotype, is that the favorite outdoors activity of Michiganders (other than sunbathing in the snow) is hunting.
30. Iowa
The misconception that all they have in Iowa is corn isn’t really a misconception – depends on who you ask. This is another one of those stereotypes that is partly true, since they do have enormous corn fields, which marks them as the third most productive agricultural state in the U.S. All in good humor, you must admit this photo sums up Iowa pretty accurately.
They don’t have to drive their tractors or pickup tucks to work everyday, but just the fact that they have a “drive your tractor to work/school day” (we didn’t make this up), is enough to ensure them a high spot on the list of most “country” states of the U.S. And they do eat a lot of corn, because why not?
29. Maine
Maine is another one of those states which constantly gets mocked for always being too cold, and their best defense is that they have summer, kind of, sometimes. Doesn’t seem like much of a defense to me. Why not embrace the cold weather and enjoy it? Maine has a lot of good things to offer, and its weather simply isn’t one of them, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
But since winter time is Lobster season, they do make the best of it, and eat as many lobster rolls as they can. And with the cold weather comes the plaid flannel shirts. However, Mainers know how to enjoy life, so they do try to make the best of their cold weather, with snow fishing or getting creative with snowmen.
28. Vermont
Vermont, Vermont, where do we begin? Probably with the maple syrup. You can deny it all you want, but Vermonters are obsessed with maple syrup; maple syrup runs through their blood. After their completely understandable love for maple syrup, Vermont is known for being overly populated by cows. How much so? It has the highest number of cows for person in the entire country.
That’s why when driving through Vermont, as well as seeing cows grazing in meadows, you might also encounter a few of these signs – it’s not just an upside down sign of a cow, but a sign warning against tipping cows – that’s why the cow in the sign is upside down. Besides cows they also have moose, bison and other large animals – but for some reason, cow tipping is the only “sport” that has gained momentum.
27. Idaho
Remember we said there are several states in the U.S that are notoriously known for being boring? Idaho is at the top of this list, and it has been proudly holding the first place for years now. The state is most well known for its potatoes, and for being boring. Which is worse? That’s for you to decide.
People in Idaho enjoy their solitary and private space (which luckily for them, they have plenty of), so perhaps that’s another reason why the cultural and social life of Idaho isn’t as developed as in other states (to say the least). That’s why seeing a vending machine in the middle of nowhere in Idaho is exciting.
26. Wyoming
Wyoming has such a vast and varied population of mammals, they actually know the difference between a moose, a bison and a buffalo, and they take it personally when people mix them up. Moose are a big part of living in Wyoming, so big, in fact, that there’s a community in Teton Country, Wyoming, that’s called Moose.
While these animals sometimes cause minor inconveniences in the form of traffic jams, mostly they live in perfect harmony with the rather small population of people that live in Wyoming. Wyomingites try to stay positive despite the cold weather, and what they mostly have to celebrate and take pride in is their meat.
25. Pennsylvania
It’s no secret that the state of Pennsylvania is home to the largest population of Amish in the country, and with Amish come horse-drawn buggies, which aren’t an uncommon sight (in some parts of the state more than others). Pennsylvania has not only the largest Amish population of the U.S, but one of the largest in the world.
That’s why incidents like the item in the picture above can only happen in the Quaker State – can you imagine a strange accident like this one taking place anywhere else in the U.S – where a horse-drawn buggy crashes into a police car? It’s a wonder they said “police car” rather than “police buggy,” and the even more puzzling part is that Amish kids were found drunk.
24. Missouri
Regardless of the season, which is a word that contains no meaning whatsoever to Missourians, they are always prepared to have rain and a barbecue on the same day. They’ve learned not to trust the weather man by now, and they always come prepared with both a raincoat and flip flops, no matter what month it is. Most importantly, they are always equipped with cheerful disposition.
Say what you will about Missouri, but there’s one thing we can’t take from them: it is the home of one of the most popular American beers in the U.S, and the world – Budweiser, and they are the nicest people you will ever meet, perhaps thanks to all the beer they’re always drinking, which only makes them friendlier than usual.
23. New Jersey
New Jersey will never be able to shake off the stereotype caused by Jersey Shore, and it’s probably because the show is not that far from reality. If you visit any bar in New Jersey, you’re sure to encounter some spray-tanned, gel-in-the-hair, fist-bumping guys, much like your Jersey Shore typical character.
It’s not uncommon to see in Jersey people that look as if they got stuck in the nineties, with the excessive gel and combed-back or spiky hairdo; but what they have in addition to the massive amounts of gel in the hair is a massive amount of Jersey pride, which is a real thing, and anyone from Jersey is convinced it’s the best place in the world.
22. Massachusetts
The most common stereotype about Massachusetts? They get mocked for their impossible accent. Their accents are so bad, but they are also a great part of their identity and their culture, so much so, that even road signs have Massachusetts accents, to help the citizens better understand them, and make the visitors feel out of place.
Say what you will about their accent, Massachusetts has a lot of good things going for it, and it has a lot to be proud of. First thing is, of course, MIT and Harvard, and all the brains they attract. The smartest people come from Massachusetts, and also the most hard-core sports fans; it might seem like the two things don’t go together, but somehow, in Massachusetts, it works.
21. North Dakota
We already established that both Dakotas are notoriously boring, but North Dakota slightly even more so than her sister. Since they have nothing for culture or entertainment, all they are left with is hockey and guns, guns and hockey. That’s why they take both things very seriously, even though guns, unlike hockey, are no entertainment.
They also all live in the countryside, they have accents, they suffer from horrible winters and they are obsessed with bison, but mostly, they’re all guns-and-hockey freaks. This initiative of the West Fargo Hockey Association proves our point: participate in the hockey raffle, get a change to win a gun. There you have it, folks – hockey and guns.
20. Georgia
Peaches are the state fruit of Georgia, and that’s part of the reason why it’s called the Peach State. Thus, you’d probably never expect anyone to misspell the state fruit on his cabin, where he also sells peaches and peach juice, right? But this photo is here to show that nothing is impossible in Georgia, and this list shows that in every state in the U.S, you can find unfortunate mistakes like this one.
Or maybe “peches” is how you pronounce peaches in the famous Georgian accent, and that’s where the mistake emanates from? One of the worst stereotypes about Georgia is that it’s a country state where people aren’t educated, and obviously it’s nothing more than a stereotype. It’s not all bad in Georgia, though, and they can take pride at being the number one producer in the country of peaches, peanuts and pecans.
19. Minnesota
Well, this sign is just asking to be made fun of. Minnesota is notoriously known for its unbearably cold weather, and so calling it the sunshine state is just laughable. However, they might be referring to the people of Minnesota, who are incredibly friendly and cheerful – perhaps the “sunshine state” refers to the people who are bright and cheerful, even during cold weather.
Also, having this cold weather has some advantages, because as they say – what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. The people of Minnesota have become so accustomed to the hard weather conditions, they’ve developed the ability to drive through any blizzard and storm as if it’s nothing, and make it out without a scratch. That’s something you can’t take away from them.
18. Arizona
Arizona, the land where people go to retire. True, they have a tough competition with Florida, but ultimately, Arizona is the undisputed state of senior citizens. Arizonans also love hot sauce, so naturally, so do the senior citizens, and so walking down the street seeing old people carrying their own private bottles of hot sauce is a daily matter.
Something about the dry air attracts the retired citizens, and they spend their golden years sunbathing and getting overly tanned. Forget about the “Grand Canyon State,” Arizona is the state of senior citizens, whether you like it or not. They’re not harmless, they just want to enjoy their retirement in peace and quiet, and what better place to do it than Arizona?
17. Alaska
Some people don’t consider Alaska as a state, and sometimes, people from Alaska don’t consider themselves as part of the U.S, but they are an integral part of the state, and they go along well with all its wild stereotypes. For example, the cold weather jokes and the endless bear jokes. In Alaska, it’s not uncommon to find a bear casually roaming the streets, much like finding a moose in Minnesota, or a bison in Wyoming.
The worst part about Alaska, though, is neither the bears nor the cold weather, but the giant mosquitoes. Alaska has over 30 different species of mosquitoes, all are very ready to nibble on humans. Mosquitoes are an epidemic in other lucky states of the U.S, but Alaska probably has it worse than any other state. As if they don’t have enough to deal with as it is.
16. Tennessee
Tennessee, and more specifically, Nashville, is most well known for its country music culture. This isn’t a stereotype – Nashville is the country music capital of the world, and people in Nashville live breath and bleed country music. Much like in Los Angeles everyone is an aspiring actor, in Nashville, everyone is an aspiring country star.
Other than the country music, in Tennessee, they exclusively wear cowboy hats and cowboy boots, drive pickup trucks, and live on junk food, specifically mac and cheese, and they take their college football very, very seriously. So seriously, in fact, that the only time you’ll find them not wearing plaid flannel shirts and cowboy boots are during a game, where they suit up with the team’s colors and a lot of pride.
15. West Virginia
Don’t confuse Virginia with West Virginia – they are completely separate states, and there’s nothing they hate more than that. If you thought people in Virginia are hillbilly rednecks, you’ve seen nothing. In Virginia, their only crime is their fetish for Civil War recreations. In West Virginia, though, it’s a whole other story.
Hollywood and the entertainment industry has a big part in the unattractive stereotypes that follow West Virginia and don’t seem to go anywhere, but this photo proves that not all these stereotypes are necessarily completely wrong. To name a few, all Mountaineers are hillbillies, they all drive pickup trucks, and they are too close with their cousins, to put it nicely.
14. Delaware
Oh Delaware, you make it too easy for us. Crabby Dick’s is a real, honored establishment in Delaware, a restaurant that serves crabs, run by someone who’s name is Dick. Unfortunately, Crabby Dick’s doesn’t only suggests fine seafood dining, but it has another connotation, one that Dick probably wasn’t aware of when he opened his business.
They probably decided to embrace this unfortunate mistake, and they now advertise, “put our balls in yer mouth.” Lovely advertisement for a restaurant, if you ask us. Crabby Dick’s is a perfect embodiment of the state as a while, since they love their crabs, any day of the year and any shape, whether it’s steamed, cakes, or any other form you can think of – this is one of the state’s biggest sources of pride.
13. Arkansas
Much like West Virginia, Arkansas reputation as a hillbilly state dates back to the 1930s, and it has a lot to do with the image painted by Hollywood. Although this is mostly exaggerated, they do have some hillbilly conventions over in Arkansas, much like this random sign reflects.
The tend to protect their farms with such signs, asking in a not-so-friendly manner that people slow down or stay away from their property. And yes, many of them live in farms, or otherwise own a farm. They have crafts over at Arkansas, which consist of making their own moonshine, and of course, hunting. Hunting season is very much anticipated in Arkansas, like it is in other states around the U.S.
12. Indiana
The ultimate mode of transportation in Indiana is either a tractor or a horse; you learn how to ride a horse in Indiana before you learn how to walk, and kids showing up in school in a tractor is perfectly common. This is what a drive-through in Indiana looks like.
Also, it’s the sort of place where a gas station is also a restaurant, a bar, a convenience store, and in fact, it can supply you with any need you might think of, and things that didn’t even occur to you. Aside from the gas-restaurant stores and using horses as normal means of transportation, the state really does have something to take pride in, and that’s their sports team and their admirable loyalty to them.
11. Kentucky
Let’s start by saying we’re all thankful for Kentucky – the home of the beloved Kentucky Fried Chicken. It’t no coincidence the fast food chain originated in Kentucky, because they really do love fried chicken, and for some unknown, mystical reason, KFC tastes better in Kentucky. Next time you’re there, try it and see for yourselves.
Aside from the glorious fried chicken, Colonel Sanders’ gift to the world, Kentucky doesn’t have a lot going for it. As the picture shows, nothing in Kentucky ever works properly, including roads, and maintenance is a curse word in Kentucky. They do things simply, which can sometimes be a good thing, but most of the time, it just creates more mess, and impairs the already-poor reputation of the state.
10. Colorado
We’re not sure whether or not it’s something to be proud of (depends who you ask, probably), but Colorado was named among the worst sports states in the U.S, referring to its developed, loyal, and some would say barbaric, sports culture. If there’s one thing people in Colorado love more than anything, is the Denver Broncos.
Perhaps the only thing they like more than the Broncos is their pets. On second thought, probably not though. Coloradan can talk about the Broncos for ever, they don’t miss a single game, and they bleed orange and blue – two colors that, if you ask us, don’t really go together, but if you ask Coloradans, it’s a holy combination of colors.
9. Mississippi
Mississippians are known as simple (that’s a fancier word for hillbilly) people, who enjoy spending their pastime in Walmart or watching college football, frequent the church every Sunday religiously, and hunt. Somehow these hobbies developed into a unique Mississippian culture, and they have all become social activities the people of Mississippi enjoy together.
Mississippians also take their hospitality very seriously, which grants them a reputation as very amiable people, and luckily for them, they have the meat to throw some of the best barbecue parties in the country. This picture doesn’t necessarily depict something you’d see only in Mississippi, but it gives you a pretty good sense of their hospitality and their love for meat.
8. Ohio
The sign welcoming you to Ohio reads “seriously, turn around…” – and they’re not kidding. There’s nothing interesting to do in Ohio, and much like Mississippi, their best attraction is visiting Walmart. But living in a place where Walmart is the only attraction has its advantages, as strange as it may sound. The main one being, of course, that people in Ohio are extremely friendly close to their friends and family.
And they are weirdly proud of their state. That’s why they take pictures like this one anywhere they go, including at funerals. You can say it’s weird, and you probably won’t be wrong, but there’s also something very charming about it – they like their state, they’re proud to be part of it, and they are incredibly happy for people who come from such a boring place.
7. Oregon
Everyone likes coffee, but Oregonians drink only fresh brewed local coffee, which is part of what makes them look so hipster in the eyes of other states in the U.S. The other thing that makes them hipster and snobby is the abundance of farmer’s markets and their high awareness for sustainability.
In fact, in a lot of ways, the Oregon hipsters are not all that different from New York hipsters. However, Oregon cities and Oregon’s countryside are like two different planets, and whereas in the big city, namely Portland, you can find just as many hipsters as in New York or California, the countryside is not all that different than the hillbilly states of the U.S.
6. Connecticut
Is Connecticut really that boring a place, that they started charging people for throwing rocks in the lake? Throwing of rocks, fifty cent each, not including tax of course, kind of seems like a rip-off, if you ask me. Connecticut, what has become of you? What’s the next step? I can’t think of anything more ludicrous to ask money for, but this list proves that nothing is impossible.
Conneticut is the fourth wealthiest state in the U.S, so it seems somewhat strange that of all places, they’d be the one to ask for money for such a dumb activity. And what’s up with the attack seagull? Is is just one seagull that hovers around this spot, waiting for his next victim? So many questions, not enough answers.
5. Florida
This photo is the perfect depiction of how people from outside the state view it. In Florida, alligators are so common, that people started adopting them as pets and dressing them up as bunnies for Easter. Pay a visit to Florida, and you’re almost sure to encounter an alligator in an unexpected place, such as your backyard or pool. Nothing like having a nice, quiet day at the poolside with an alligator lurking somewhere, waiting for the right moment to emerge.
Much like growing up in a cold state like Minnesota has its own unique advantages, growing up in a warm state like Florida also has its ups and downs. On the one hand, you can’t handle cold weather whatsoever, but on the other, you thrive in hot weather and humidity. People in Florida know how to handle the heat better than anyone else.
4. South Carolina
No one knows more about living in the country and driving pickup trucks then people in South Carolina. They also know a lot about partying, and their favorite sport is mud-bogging, when you drive your vehicle (a pickup truck, more often than not) through a pit of mud. What is it good for? Just for fun. Some of the people in South Carolina do it every Saturday, but even if you consider yourself above it, if you live there, you’re tried it at least once in your life.
This lovely photo might not depict every mother in South Carolina, but it’s not far from the truth – they like drinking and they do it often, even during babysitting. But all joking aside, South Carolina also has a lot of good things to offer (aside from mud-bogging), such as being among the largest peach producers in the country.
3. Nebraska
Out of all the states that are known for being hillbillies states (and there are many of them), Nebraska must take first place. Everything we said was a stereotype about the other places is absolutely true when it comes to Nebraska, and we’re not about to sugar-coat it. They have nothing to do except sit on hay piles, they love corn, they love meat, they are fanatic football fans, in the worst sense of the word, they are all farmers, and the list goes on and on.
This photo of a “rest area” in Nebraska says it all, and it’s a perfect case of ‘a picture that’s worth a thousand words,’ or a thousand stereotypes. People in Nebraska consider a toilet on top of a hay pile a legitimate “rest area.” Do wee need to add anything else? The photo speaks for itself.
2. Texas
In the Lone Star State everyone drives a horse, they wear cowboy boots and cowboy hats, they have heavy accents, and they are the proudest people you will meet. The two things they love most are guns and beer, so getting on their wrong side is probably not a good idea, but they do everything with love and pride for their state.
Choosing one photo that captures the essence of Texas wasn’t an easy task, since there are so many hilarious ones, but this one pretty much sums it up: Texas is probably the only place in the U.S, not to say the world, where they accept cattle, horses, timber, pretty much anything but credit cards. While the world is moving forward, seems like Texas is stuck somewhere in the past, in a good and bad sense.
1. Montana
We reached our number one – the funniest photo on the list, and the one that best depicts the state. There are several other photos on the list that could have been appropriate for Montana, but this one takes first prize. There’s nothing they like more in Montana than hunting, which is a lot more than just a sport for them, but a form of worship, or a holiday, if you will.
The Treasure State has a lot of treasures indeed, such as a scenic landscape, but the bears and other large, intimidating animals aren’t part of it. The cold state attracts many mountain animals that are deceivingly friendly such as moose and bison and worst of all, bears. For some reason, in cartoons and children’s movies these mammals are portrayed as extremely sweet and friendly, while in reality, they’re extremely dangerous. However, when you live in a state that is so densely populated by people (mostly due to its vast area) and so highly populated with bears and other animals, you start to see in them an attractive company!
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