Rick James And Jim Morrison’s Insane Trip To Disneyland

During the mid-1960s, rockers Rick James and Jim Morrison were both at the forefront of their groundbreaking careers. Rick James, the King of Punk-Funk, had just signed a record deal with Motown Records In 1966, and would go on to release the chart topping hit “Super Freak” some 20 years later. Morrison, of the psychedelic rock band The Doors and self-proclaimed Lizard King, would front the band’s classic self-titled album a year later and go on to influence countless rock acts to come.

As James described in his autobiography Glow, the musician awakened to find “a young dude sitting on the floor in the lotus position” while staying at the Los Angeles home of Hall of Fame rocker Stephen Stills circa 1966. The strange man, who revealed himself to be Morrison, had blood dripping from his wrist and was “stoned as a motherfucker”.

The Lizard King stared at it in awe, allegedly stating, “Isn’t the blood beautiful? Isn’t that the deepest red you’ve ever seen?” James alerted Stills, who tended to the bleeding and properly introduced the pair. Apparently it wasn’t the first time Morrison had done it, per Rolling Stone.

Their 'trip' didn't last long

The two musicians became fast friends, with Morrison eagerly picking James’ brain about Motown and even reading a poem about “the dead angels of history returning as groupies”, per the autobiography. While James appreciated Morrison’s trippy lyricism, he later admitted thinking Morrison was a terrible singer.

Morrison and James later attempted a group trip (pun completely intended, as James went on a different trip when Morrison tricked him into taking LSD by passing it off as mint). The pair went to Disneyland, but were denied entry by attendants due to being obviously very high, as reported by Play Buzz.

“[We] were turned away ’cause our hippie threads were too far-out for white-bread Disney. F*ck Disney. We went to some dumpy bumper-car place and had a ball. The more I hung, the more I was digging L.A.,” James later wrote.

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