The Guinness World Record Involving An iPad You Could Probably Beat
Becoming a Guinness World Records holder could require less effort than you think. The 2021 edition even features timed dares that use items easily found in your home, including snapping cocktail sticks and knocking over dominos.
Many of the challenges listed in the Guinness World Records can be surpassed with a little patience, practice, and ingenuity — for instance, the organization tracks achievements like putting the most spoons on your body, growing the longest ear hair or stuffing the most live rattlesnakes in your mouth.
If you’re not a fan of snakes or spoons, though, and you treasure trimmed body hair, the iPad dare could be for you. That’s how Canadian Chase Samuel found his way into the Guinness Hall of Fame. He typed the alphabet on an iPad in 2.47 seconds on August 12, 2013, according to the Guinness World Records website.
The feat required practice and dexterity. Samuel made no mistakes and he typed the alphabet only using one hand. (See for yourself on YouTube.)
How to break a Guinness World Record
Prior to his win, bragging rights belonged to Gizmodo video editor Woody Allen Jang, who clocked a 3.93 second win in 2011 after a challenge between Gizmodo UK and Gizmodo U.S. during a tech contest on Guinness World Records Day to beat the then-record of 4.7 seconds.
You can also try to beat typing the Arabic alphabet on an iPad. That record offers more wiggle room with the last winner, Egyptian Ahmed Mourady, coming in at 7.35 seconds on June 21, 2013, according to Guinness World Records.
So imagine the possibilities: Instead of wasting time with your Solitaire game you could train to tackle one of these records … or any other record-breaking challenge you feel is a good fit for your talents. The Guinness World Records requires applications (available on their website) before you can get started. The organization receives more than 1,000 a week, so receiving the go-ahead to challenge current standings can take between 12-16 weeks. “Record breaking is serious business,” says the organization, “which means we have strict policies governing what constitutes a Guinness World Records title in order to maintain these high standards.
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