The Tragic Death Of Aaron Burr

Aaron Burr was born in New Jersey in 1756. He became a successful attorney and became vice-president in 1800, but he would enter history as one of the most controversial political names in the United States. Burr was involved in a historical duel with Alexander Hamilton and was arrested on charges of treason (via History).

In 1783, Burr moved to New York, where he shared an office with Alexander Hamilton. Burr always had a deep interest in politics, and he was named Attorney General by George Clinton, New York Governor, in 1789 ( via US History). Some sources believe that it fueled rivalry with Hamilton, since Burr defeated Hamilton’s father-in-law, General Philip Shuyler.

Hamilton and Burr hated each other. In 1796, Burr joined Thomas Jefferson on his presidential campaign as his vice-president. Hamilton made public attacks against Burr, as he said that he felt it was a religious duty to oppose Burr’s career (via History). Jefferson and Burr didn’t win that year, but they would run again and win in 1800.

A historical duel and political scandals

It was not only Hamilton (pictured above) who didn’t trust Burr. After the elections, Burr and Jefferson had many disagreements, and Burr didn’t run for a second term as vice-president in 1804. Instead, he ran for governor, and Hamilton decided to do the same. During the campaign, Burr was attacked several times by Hamilton and other people. After the elections, he challenged Hamilton to an affair of honor.

The event became one of the most famous duels in history. On July 11, 1804, Burr won the duel by shooting Hamilton, who died on the following day (via PBS). According to History, Hamilton didn’t agree with the duel and fired into the air. It was probably the last victory Burr had in his public life. Burr was charged with murder but never went to trial.

In 1805, Burr was involved in another scandal. His name was involved in a plot to create an independent republic by seizing the Louisiana Territory and Mexico. The trial happened in 1807, and he was acquitted. However, public opinion considered him a traitor.

Aaron Burr died due to a stroke

The conspiracy and high misdemeanor charges had ruined Burr’s political career forever, and he decided to start over in another country. In 1808, he moved to Europe, where he lived for four years. During those years, Burr tried to find support to lead a revolution in Mexico, aiming toward its independence. However, his reputation also affected his plans on another continent, and the endeavor was unsuccessful.

Burr returned to the United States in 1812 and worked as a lawyer in New York (via Biography). He found some success in the legal profession, but had problems with his finances. Struggling with money, he married a wealthy widow named Eliza Jumel in 1933, but the marriage didn’t last. Shortly after the separation, Burr suffered multiple strokes and was partially paralyzed. Burr had the support of his cousin, but his life would never be the same again. He died due to underlying stroke conditions on September 14, 1836.

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