Why Isn’t Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson In The WWE Hall Of Fame?

Professional wrestling has seen its fair share of superstars who went from the ring to the silver screen to the stuff of pop culture legend. Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and many, many more come to mind. But no one has been able to make Hollywood smell what he or she was cooking like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. As told in his official WWE bio, The Brahma Bull, The People’s Champion, The Great One went from calling himself the Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment to simply cutting the “Sports” out of the nickname, and then transitioned over to the movies and proved it. His rise to fame as everyone’s favorite cocky Samoan is now being told in comedic fashion in the new NBC sitcom Young Rock, from his early days as a young whippersnapper who may or may not have called wrestling fake to the big lovable baldy we all know from Jumanji and Fast & Furious.

The Rock was so captivating in the ring, with his eyebrow raised to the rafters and the jabronis beneath his bootheels, that you’d think it’s a given that he has been inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. However, according to Digital Spy, you’d be wrong. He actually doesn’t have a spot in the hallowed hall of wrestling royalty. So, what’s going on? Why in the world isn’t Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson in the WWE Hall of Fame?

There is a Rock in the WWE Hall of Fame, but it's not the one you're thinking

Digital Spy reported in 2014 that Dwayne Johnson himself is partly to blame for his not being in the WWE Hall of Fame. He said that if he were to be inducted into the Hall — as the rumors making the rounds about the class of 2015 were saying — he might not be allowed to jump back in the ring to wrestle, an option he didn’t like at the time. So fans can actually be happy that he hasn’t been inducted, because one day we’ll probably see one heck of an epic return to the WWE ring by the Most Electrifying Man in All of Entertainment.

Although The Rock isn’t in the WWE Hall of Fame, a person who goes by that name has already been inducted. According to the WWE, redneck rap rocker and inveterate shampoo shunner Kid Rock was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2018. Why, you ask? Several wrestlers, including The Undertaker and Stacy Keibler, have used the guy’s songs as entrance music, and he’s even performed lived at WWE events. So yeah, The Rock is not in the WWE Hall of Fame, but a Rock is.

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