Must See Camping Photos That’ll Make Your Day!

Check out how they spiced up their camping trips, for better and for worse.
Inconsiderate Passersby
You can expect to get a bit dirty when you go camping; it’s only natural considering that you’re sleeping out in the woods.

But, this camping getaway seems to have gotten particularly messy.
Let Me Out!
It’s not always the smartest decision to bring your pets camping.

This cat has clearly had enough of this trip and is ready to go home!
Bunk Beds
While this does make for a fantastic photo opportunity, you must be wondering, “weren’t there other good trees to hang all those hammocks?”

This arrangement works pretty well, so long as the people up top aren’t afraid of heights. Just remember what goes up, must come down!
Oops… Hope He Has Insurance for That
Here’s a reason why cell phones and camping don’t mix. Not only do they distract you from the whole point of going camping, but they can also lead to things like this.

Let’s hope this phone needed an upgrade anyway.
A Lesson In Work-Life Balance
Working from home is becoming increasingly popular. Is working while camping the next big thing?

This gal seems to want to be able to continue with his office work while out enjoying nature.
To Each His Own
This tent owner decided to do things a little differently and place a drawstring on the tent instead of a zipper.

We’re not so sure what the logic of this is, and we can imagine that there will be consequences to this decision.
Camping Doggie Style
Humans aren’t the only ones who need to get out into nature and have an occasional vacation.

Take it from this dog who just needed to get away and relax in a hammock for a little while.
All Rise!
Sometimes, puns are too good not to point out. This is one of those times!

These campers succeeded in erecting their tent properly, and best of all, they did it with humor.
Muddy Waters
We don’t think any camper will have difficulty following this rule.

It seems like reserving this spot will be no problem at all, as nobody else wants it.
Minimalist Camper
If you can only fit your head in the tent, then that’s probably a good sign that your tent is too small.

In good news, at least his face will be clear of bug bites, and the morning sun won’t wake him up.
Who Needs a Bed When You’ve Got a Cooler and Folding Chairs?
This camper seems to have come completely unprepared for his weekend getaway. Not wanting to sleep directly on the ground, he propped himself up on two chairs with his cooler under him.

We would have probably just sat up rather than using a cooler as a bed mattress… but that’s just us.
Luxury Camping
The guy seems to have taken his window air conditioning unit and plugged it into a portable generator so he could enjoy cool air in the scorching sun.

Hey, it’s not like he’s cheating, right? And we’re sure that those “true campers” in other tents will be stopping by for a visit.
Epic Improvise
This is another awesome makeshift camping device that some campers put together. They transformed an old rigged mailbox into cooking ware to prepare their dinner.

It seems to be providing a great warm cooking surface for their hot meal in the wilderness or backyard. Why not try it yourselves?
Stop Horsin’ Around!
Sometimes you invite guests over to your house and sometimes to your tent, dependent on where you are. This guy seems to have invited over a horse friend.

We hope that that’s the case, or else he’s going to have quite the surprise when he sees what’s waiting for him inside his tent.
2-In-1 Shopping Cart
We have already shown you campers who have designed their own grills out of random objects. We just wonder whether finding a camping grill at a store is that difficult.

It seems like this person left the store with the cart and not the grill. We’re just not sure how safe it is.
Hot Dog
Who doesn’t feel super cool with their hood on? We sure do. While animals have fur, some pet owners go the extra step to ensure that their puppies are warm enough.

Plus, we’re sure that a big incentive for the photographer is uploading this adorable picture to Instagram, and we can’t blame him!
Life’s a Picnic
It’s not the smartest idea to chill on a boat all day as it doesn’t provide you with good shade for eating your lunch comfortably. So, here you have these guys’ invention.

They’ve even attached a motor to their creation and put up a sign which reads “Picnic Launch.” That’s a pretty clever play on words.
Probably Not the Embrace He Was Looking For
This young man could have used a science lesson or two before coming out into nature. He apparently fell into a bed of cacti, which is just about the last thing you want to fall upon.

Luckily, he had a group from the local fire department come to his rescue.
Porta-Potty on Wheels
Even if you’re staying in a camping area that has portable toilets, you usually choose to pee in the woods over visiting one. Well, these people seemed to nail that problem right on the head and come up with their own solution.

That definitely makes for a cleaner bathroom experience, but the privacy element is hurting a bit.
Comfort First
This camper seems to have brought along a king-sized air mattress for a twin-sized tent. We’re surprised he actually kept it like this instead of just succumbing to sleeping on the hard floor.

Coming prepared for a camping trip is important, but there is such a thing as being overly prepared.
As Close to the Beach as You Can Get
This ambitious camper decided that he wanted to be close enough to the waves that he could wake up to the sound of the waves hitting the sand.

Well, how he actually woke up was to the waves hitting his trailer, and we don’t think that’s the kind of close he had in mind.
For Your “Royal” Heinie
This toilet looks like it’s meant for royal campers. For the camper who is into both the comforts of staying home and staying authentic to nature, here you have it.

Honestly, it looks like something out of “Game of Thrones,” and we are impressed by the camper who had the initiative to build it.
Multi-Purpose Toilet
We are all for recycling, so kudos to the inventor of this. We just pray that whoever used this toilet sanitized every ounce of it prior to taking it along their camping trip.

If a good cleaning was performed, then this toilet seems to make the perfect makeshift beer cooler and grill.
Just Like Venice
If you’re going to get swept away by a flood during a music festival, then you might as well make the most of it.

At Glastonbury, these campers didn’t have the best of luck and were clearly not prepared for the amount of water they would have to deal with.
Top Secret
This sign is letting campers know of a secret campground up ahead. We’re sure that the campsite is super pretty and special, judging on the picture’s surroundings, but we don’t know what’s so secretive about it.

There is even a sign pointing it out! Next time, learn how to keep a secret first.
Camping Accessories
These custom roasting sticks are pretty hilarious for about 10 minutes and only acceptable if you’re at a bachelor party.

But, at the end of the day, they’re pretty childish. Though, we will say that we think that this is a creative use of this kind of crass humor.
The Flying Tents
We don’t think of ourselves as professional campers, but we know a thing or two about camping, and let’s just say these guys got it wrong!

We have to give them credit for pitching the tent, but it seems they forgot the most important part…hammering the tent pegs, so it doesn’t fly away!
Camping With Style
This woman definitely knows how to camp in style; she even made herself some stairs! This takes outdoor skills to a whole other level, and we love it!

What more could she possibly need? She has her own fancy tent house, complete with what we’re sure is a very comfy blow-up mattress inside.
The Good Old Camping Prank
This just never gets old, does it? Nothing like grabbing your friend’s mattress and floating it on the lake in the middle of the night, especially when he’s with his girl.

Can you imagine waking up and putting your foot out of bed, only to fall in (probably freezing!) water?
Come on, Girls
Nothing like good teamwork, especially when you can laugh at it when it goes hilariously wrong. These two girls seem to be taking their tent-pitching disaster in stride.

It seems they did a good job getting the tent up, but everything just went kind of downhill from there.
Tent or Art Installation?
This is too hilarious to be accidental. We’re not really sure if this is a trampoline that collapsed in itself or a tent pitching that went horribly wrong, but it looks so disastrous it almost looks intentional.

And what’s going on with these red balls? Are they lights, decorations, or parts of the tent?
Bring Your Own TV
Who said you couldn’t mix the great outdoors with modern society? This guy decided to take his TV camping with him.

On the one hand, we get that everybody’s idea of leisure time is different, but this kind of defies the purpose of going camping in the first place.
Hanging Out
We don’t know if he got up there by himself or if this is part of a prank, but he looks to be enjoying the whole situation!

And hey, look on the bright side; he can get wasted and fall asleep without worrying about a bear attack or insect bites. That’s what we call being a responsible drunk!
21st Century Phone Booth
This is just brilliant. Who needs a smartphone or a phone booth when you have a state-of-the-art can?!

What makes this even more hilarious is the ironic symbol of a phone, almost pointing out the absurdity of needing to communicate with the outside world when you’re in nature.
Just Throw it in the Trunk
Clearly, these people are very attached to their boat. It’s amazing this car can even advance with that thing in the trunk; come on, sometimes you just have to learn to let go!

Well, at least they don’t have to worry about cars keeping their distance…
Can’t Leave the Party Behind
This either belongs to a serious party animal, a professional DJ, or just the designated music provider for a party in the woods.

Either way, we have to applaud the resourcefulness of him actually tying this massive, old-school stereo to the back of what looks like an already heavy backpack.
An Obvious Choice
New Life Lane or Dead End? This is a very ironic and, actually quite hilarious, sign to come by.

It would certainly be enough to leave a happy-go-lucky camper pondering for a while. Going straight or turning left has never felt like such a big decision! What road would you take?
Flower Power Camping
Who said hippies couldn’t be organized and plan ahead? Just look at this beautiful, vintage 1960s-inspired tent! We’ve never seen anything like it!

Not only does it look comfy and spacious, but it also takes you back in time and makes you feel like you’re actually camping out in a VW Van! Woodstock, anyone?
DIY Can Opener
There’s nothing more frustrating than arriving at your campsite and realizing you brought all canned foods but forgot the can opener.

But hey, if you’re hungry enough, you’ll find a way, like this guy obviously did. We commend the effort because a sharp rock was probably the next best thing available.
Packing Priorities
Now, we’ve all heard about hoarders, but we’ve never seen mobile hoarders!

We don’t know if this person just decided he was too broke for a moving truck or simply thought it would be a good idea to bring all of their earthly possessions to a camping trip. We’re just wondering how the truck didn’t tip over?
Against All Odds
Bravo, girl! This woman refused to let a little water mess with her camping experience. Or maybe, she just decided the other side of the river looked like a better spot.

Why go through the trouble of taking down a perfectly set-up tent? Look at how she’s juggling the tent and her sunglasses! A born talent!
Hide Your Kids
Camping is one of the most fun activities for kids. Although we’re sure these kids will feel very differently after this particular outing. Imagine sleeping in the wilderness and then waking up to this!

We don’t see any food nearby, so we’re hoping this bear just walked away and the kids are safe and sound.
DIY Pig Roasting
Whoever did this deserves a prize for creativity. When was the last time you saw a DIY, self-spinning pig spit?! It’s just genius; using all nature has to offer to make life easier.

There’s just one little problem that comes to mind…what happens if there’s no wind? Guess we’ll never know.
Worst Breakdance Ever
Now, this is something we’ll never be able to unsee! We have no idea how this poor guy got into this situation or how it ended, but we can be absolutely positive he’s never going to enjoy campfires again.

It’s safe to say this guy probably had a little bit too much to drink.
Porter Potty Disaster
Being in a porter potty while camping is already not the most enjoyable experience. Then, add a full-blown fire to that, and you’ve basically got anyone’s worst nightmare.

We don’t know what exactly happened here, but we’re really hoping that the truck in the background has come to the rescue.
Hi, Mama Bear!
This family was looking for the nearby campsite, so they figured they’d ask a local. And who’s better than this native mama bear and her cub?

Another option is that the bears were the lost ones. You know, they strayed a little too far from home and figured they could hitchhike their way back.
Let’s Get a Family Picture!
This sweet family went on a nice camping trip. They decided to take a goofy family picture together as a souvenir. So far, so good.

Except it looks like one member of this family wasn’t too thrilled about all this outdoor business. He didn’t hide his feelings but made them known to all.
Barefoot Sand-Skiing
This guy seems to have used his time in the great outdoors to invent a new type of sport — barefoot sand skiing!

The name is pretty self-explanatory, but it doesn’t specify that the athlete has to have some sort of fishing background so that they can catch a fish strong enough to pull them through the sandy slope.
The good thing about camping is, of course, the newfound connection with mother nature.

Just look at this guy. So happy. So proud of his catch. So oblivious to his impending doom. We can only hope that the person taking the picture warned him and that they got away in time.
Camping on Water
Unwilling to let go of any piece of comfort that their living rooms have to offer, these guys here decided to bring everything out with them.

And we mean everything! From the la-Z-boys all the way to their TV. God knows how they managed to power it out there.
Camping in Russia
Only true men, raised by the feral wolves of Siberia, can camp in the freezing cold weather of mother Russia. Such men don’t need shirts or tents.

They don’t need a campfire or marshmallows. They catch fish with their bare hands, eat them raw, and fashion their bones into belt buckles.
So Much for Signs
Camper 1: “Oh, look, this patch of grass looks like a good place; how about we pitch our tent there?” Camper 2: “But there is a sign that says we shouldn’t…”

Camper 1: “It didn’t seem to bother the other people who pitched their tents there…” Camper 2: “Oh, right…”
When you think of camping, cars, vans, Jeeps, or SUVs, come to mind. But what about the kind of car you take on a glamping trip? A Glamborghini, of course!

Not only will it turn everyone’s heads at the campsite, but you can also use it to dry some of your designer clothing.
The Elk Outdoors
When you go camping, people tell you to watch out for a bunch of things; for bears, for bugs, for contaminated water.

Nobody ever tells you to watch out for the very territorial elk when you try to catch some fish for dinner.
Tent, Sleeping Bag, and Holy Water
For once, the campers didn’t need to watch out for the dangers of nature — it was the little possessed baby they brought along they needed to be wary of.

Let’s hope their exorcism kit has all the proper items — some holy water, a Bible, an ouija board, and a bubblegum flavored pacifier. You know, the usual.
Traveling Lite
If you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready. Why bother pitching the tents in the field when you can literally pitch it in the comfort of your own backyard and then strap it to the top of your van?

That being said, it really camping if you take your entire house with you?
S’mores All-Around
Someone here is obviously a camping pro. No, a camping champion! A Campion, if you will. They’ve honed the art of making s’mores to perfection.

This rake is clearly fulfilling a higher purpose than being a piece of gardening equipment. This s’more machine may be the best thing we’ve seen all day.
Not in Kansas Anymore
This tent must be on its way to land on top of an evil witch. We doubt it will have the same consequences as the house in “The Wizard of Oz,” but it’s the thought that counts.

It is impressive that this tent can double as a kite.
Everything’s Fine
Some people are just masters at making the best out of everything. Take this beer-loving fellow for example.

This flooded campsite is a sure way of ruining his entire camping experience, but he refused to let that bother him. As long as he has his drink and his floating matters, nothing can bring him down.
Goldilocks, Beware
Someone’s been sitting in your chair? Someone’s been eating your food? Someone’s been sleeping in your bed? It looks like the three bears finally got their revenge on Goldilocks, who foolishly camped where she shouldn’t have.

The baby bear seems to be the only one fit to have a good night’s sleep in there.
They Obviously Didn’t Pivot
Any longtime fan of “Friends” would look at this picture and hear Ross screaming “PIVOT!” at the top of his lungs.

Those of you who don’t get the reference will have to imagine four people trying to carry a huge couch up a tiny staircase and maybe get the gist.
In the Upside Down
This is the one proof that multiple universes do in fact, exist.

The people in this other dimension have been kind enough to show us how they camp, and we are nothing but intrigued. Does this tent have a separate gravity system? Are the people there shaped differently or filled with helium?
Soccer Camp
We admit it. We’ve never been to a soccer camp. Too much soccer and not enough camping in our opinion. But honestly, if that’s what soccer camp looks like, we aren’t sure we even want to try.

We didn’t think it’d get to this, but we have to say it: a soccer field isn’t a proper campsite.
Ugh, Forget It
The most depressed person at this campsite has finally decided to call it quits. Other than the table, which looks pretty steady, it looks like nothing else was going for them.

Oh, the poor thing. We don’t know who the person behind this picture is, but we hope everything is okay with them.
Camping in Scotland
This fine specimen of highland cattle is something you have to take into consideration if you ever plan on camping in Scotland.

Well, that and how your tent might be blown over and land in one of the local lochs. With this view and with the new cow-friends you will be making, perhaps it’s worth it.
You Set up the Tent; I’ll Go Get Firewood
This is what camping with the Incredible Hulk must be like. You and your dainty fingers can deal with stringing the tent poles into the tiny loops in the tarp, while the Hulk takes care of the fire.

And when we say “take care of the fire,” we mean “put a whole tree trunk in.”
Tent or Teepee?
Someone here tried to pay homage to the Native American communities, but they obviously only had the faintest idea of what a teepee is supposed to look like.

Original teepees are sturdier, big enough to fit a sleeping bag (and more), and obviously built by people who know what they’re doing.
Just Being Safe
Camping does require certain measures of safety, but this seems like a stretch. Don’t get us wrong, fire is dangerous and needs to be dealt with caution.

But roasted marshmallows are the best part of camping, and we simply can’t let such a long stick stand in the way of our true love.
Don’t Do as I Do
A camping mattress is one of the most important pieces of equipment you need to take with you on the trip. Using it is fairly simple.

There aren’t any complicated knobs, but the manufacturers of this camping mattress thought they would include a picture of what *not* to do just to be safe.
As Long as They’re Asleep
Where there’s a will, there’s a way. And these happy campers’ will was to get some sleep no matter what shape their tent was in.

Strangely enough, this tent looks like it doubles as an extra blanket. Combined with the sleepers cozying up next to each other, it looks like a pretty good arrangement after all.
Someone Needs a Walk
Looks like Fido can’t wait for his morning walk! This doggo must be having the time of his life — he got to be outside with his humans all day, snuggle up with them at night, and find all the sticks he could possibly want.

Now, he’s just eager to see what the next day has in store.
Peg It Down!
You might think that the poles are the most important components in a tent, but you’d be wrong.

While the poles may hold your tent up, they can’t guarantee it won’t go flying with every gust of wind. This leads us to one conclusion — get some pegs or watch your tent pretending to be a kite.
Good Job, Boy Scout
If we’ve ever had any doubts about sending our kids to the scouts, we no longer have those. Doubts, we mean.

If the level of ingenuity that this kid demonstrates is any indication of the youth movement’s contribution to the child, we are totally here for it. We’d nominate him for president!

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